The preview for "Las Lágrimas de Amaterasu" is up in the spanish site, with a different arrange of cards in the image, so we can see more details:
So, most important thing:
Goblin has " Tierras Sombrías " trait. That means SHADOWLANDS !
Then, the text that can be read says something like:
...después de que este personaje...
...sobre él 1 de Destino...
...un adversario.
Which translated:
... after this personality...
... on him 1 Fate...
... an adversary.
Not sure, but I'm guessing his ability lets him steal 1 fate from an adversary when he enters play? Seems pretty powerful for 2 fate.
Flavour text: (I'm making a small guess)
" Goblins? Impossible. There have never been sightings of goblins so far from the wall. "
Edited by Tabris2k