Is My Understanding of Action Windows Correct?

By Soul Twister, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I know that there has been some confusion about when exactly you can play events, characters, actions and equipment. Fantasy Flight wasn’t super clear in the Learn to Play. Here is my understanding based on what I’ve read in the Rule Reference Document and FF Forums. First, one needs to understand that “action windows” are when you can play things. Second, action windows come in two types: “Actions Windows” and “Special Actions Windows.” (Technically, there are three if you include “Conflict Action Window”; it’s ONLY distinction from a regular Action Window is that the defender is allowed to go first during a conflict.)

Action Window: Least restrictive. You can play any card (Character, Event, Attachment) from your conflict hand, and actions printed on cards in play. You can NOT play Character cards from Province.

Special Action Window: Most Restrictive. You can only play Event cards from your conflict hand. You can play Characters from your Province. You can play actions printed on cards in play.

Here is the flow:

Dynasty Phase Begins, Reveal, Collect Fate
End Dynasty Phase

Draw Phase Begins, Honor Bid, Transfer Honor, Draw Cards
(Action Window)
End Draw Phase

Conflict Phase Begins

(Action Window)> Conflict #1 Attackers and Defender Declared> (Conflict Action Window)> Resolution

(Action Window)> Conflict #2 Attackers and Defender Declared> (Conflict Action Window)> Resolution

(Action Window)> Conflict #3 Attackers and Defender Declared> (Conflict Action Window)> Resolution

(Action Window)> Conflict #4 Attackers and Defender Declared> (Conflict Action Window)> Resolution

(Action Window)

Glory Count, Imperial Favor
End Conflict Phase

Fate Phase Begins, Discard Characters w/o Fate, Remove Fate, Place Fate on Unclaimed Rings
(Action Window)
End Fate Phase

Regroup Phase Begins
(Action Window)
Ready Cards, Discard from Provinces, Return Rings, Pass 1st player
Regroup Phase Ends

I hope that helps. Am I correct?

Edited by Soul Twister
Based on Constructive Feedback

There is an action window after the 4th conflict too.

46 minutes ago, Soul Twister said:

Conflict Phase Begins

(Action Window)

(Action Window)> Conflict #1 Attackers and Defender Declared> (Conflict Action Window)> Resolution

(Action Window)> Conflict #2 Attackers and Defender Declared> (Conflict Action Window)> Resolution

(Action Window)> Conflict #3 Attackers and Defender Declared> (Conflict Action Window)> Resolution

(Action Window)> Conflict #4 Attackers and Defender Declared> (Conflict Action Window)> Resolution

Glory Count, Imperial Favor
End Conflict Phase

Assuming I am understanding your notations correctly, it appears that you're saying there is two action windows before the first conflict.

I believe you need to move that first (Action Window) to the end, leading into 3.4 (Imperial Favor check).

My interpretation, assuming all 4 conflicts are declared.

3.1 Conflict Phase begins
(Action Window) following 3.1 (AW 1)
3.2 Conflict 1, including its own (Action Window) (AW 2)
3.3 Go back to after 3.1
(Action Window) following 3.1 (AW 3)
3.2 Conflict 2, including its own (Action Window) (AW 4)
3.3 Go back to after 3.1
(Action Window) following 3.1 (AW 5)
3.2 Conflict 1, including its own (Action Window) (AW 6)
3.3 Go back to after 3.1
(Action Window) following 3.1 (AW 7)
3.2 Conflict 1, including its own (Action Window) (AW 8)
3.3 Go back to after 3.1
(Action Window) following 3.1 (AW 9)
No more conflicts, go to 3.4

Cool, thank you!

I'd consider them to be three different action windows, considering the conflict action window it's own. Aren't there also 'passing' rules specific to the special dynasty action window, that once you pass you can't get an action back; while in the other action windows, once you pass and your opponent plays, you can get back in it?

I think you're right about there being different passing rules for the dynasty window.

Are we sure there's an action window after the fourth conflict? Because that isn't clear from the sequencing chart (but would've really helped me in a game the other day).

37 minutes ago, Fumo said:

Are we sure there's an action window after the fourth conflict? Because that isn't clear from the sequencing chart (but would've really helped me in a game the other day).

Yes, there is.
