Hello there!
A few days ago I was GMing a game in which my players were pursued by an Interdictor cruiser and 6 TIE fighters. The battle wasn't that much fun and the players complained a bit about the space battle rules, which didn't seem to make much sense to them. So I'd like to hear from you if you'd do it any different or if we interpreted the rules wrong.
So the encounter started when the PC's transport exited hyperspace near an Interdictor, at MEDIUM range (I pulled the stats from the AoR core rulebook). The group decided to run for it and try to outrun the cruiser (after identifying it correctly).
So here's what they did:
1. The pilot of the PCs increased their speed as a maneuver. They already were complaining that doing this cost them a maneuver that couldn't be used to Fly/Drive. To them, as long as their speed is more than zero, they should be able to move between range bands. Since they are facing away from the enemy and running, this rule feels wrong...
2. The pilot then used a maneuver to Fly/Drive, at speed 2. This made them, if I'm not mistaken, between MEDIUM and LONG range. They complained again, feeling that being between two ranges wasn't very clear. I told them that they were still considered at medium range (mistake?). Also, their ship (silhouette 4) had to suffer two points of system strain because of the second maneuver (is that right?).
3. Then the Interdictor launched TIE Fighters and both the cruiser and the fighters tried to follow the PCs. However, because the cruiser is huge (sil7), it couldn't Fly/Drive more than once since it's a pilot only maneuver, am I right?
4. After that, the pilot kept using Fly/Drive TWICE per round, to flee the cruiser fast. They did add 2 points of system strain per round, because it was two maneuvers. Was that ok? Those system strain points were useless, because the tech kept using damage control, every round, to repair them easily.
5. Meanwhile, I knew the TIEs didn't stand a chance if they stayed at speed 1 so they spent two rounds just increasing their speed and therefore not moving at all because increasing their speed to its maximum used 4 of their maneuvers. The players laughed at the concept of the TIEs just sitting there while they were gaining speed. Really, this feels completely wrong. Anybody house ruled this?
So the "battle" ended when the transport managed to get beyond extreme range of the cruiser. It lasted for a few rounds in which all the pilot did was two maneuvers of Fly/Drive and the mechanic repaired the system strain every round. The TIEs were a problem, since when they finally managed to keep up we had to manage range bands and half range bands to try and figure the distance between the cruiser, the fighters and the transport, which wasn't very fun. The exciting chase I was hoping for never came to be. Also, the pilot felt it strange that his piloting skill was not used once.
I know I could have used the "chase" rules, but I didn't know how to use them correctly for 3 groups (The TIEs, the Interdictor and the PCs, which were all at different distances). I could also have decided to make this all narrative and not roll at all, but this would also have felt wrong.
So my questions are:
1. Anyway to make this kind if encounter make sense and be exciting by using the rules as is?
2. If not, what are the house rules that you use?
A big THANKS in advance to you all!
Edited by Broc27