[DH1] Some Q&A I had with a producer about The Inquisitor's Handbook (Questions 41-50)

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy

41. Can a Chem Gland produce Poisons and Toxins? Or Drugs (the narcotic kind like obscura or spook)? Or only chemicals?
————— > With the GM’s permission, sure. Pumping poison into your own veins would seem a bad idea though.
42. Which type of "Lore" does the Janus Simulacra get, should they choose that option, or is it stating they can get any common, scholastic, or forbidden?
——— > Any one Lore, as per the writeup.
43. Just to clear up the wordingo n the Simulacra, are all three of the options at +20 whatever they choose? Or only the Trade option?
———— > All. There should be an Oxford comma after “at."
44. Further on the Simulacra, is the Talented option only for the "Pick one" skill, or feasibly any other skill that is desired? I ask only because of the "One Programmed Skill" distinction in the stat block.
—————— > Any skill the servitor possesses, which would normally just be the ones listed under Skills. If the GM/PC adds more, then it could apply to one of the new ones.
45. On Table 5-5, does the Availability of "Magos Only" mean the tech priest must of of that rank? Or is it just another way of saying Tech-Priest only?
————— > Rank.
46. Can you explain Table 5-5 a little more? I'm not really understanding the Upgrades section of it when it shows the "per Machine" line.
———— > That’s the cost for adding +1 to the creature’s Machine trait, 500 per point of increase.
47. What is the cost and availability of the Berserker-Chip?
—————— > Those are built into the cyber-creature, so don’t have a separate listing in the table.
48. Was it ever discussed just which Pellucida's tunnels the Grey Devices were discovered in? V is the site of a Mara Psychneuein outbreak, but IX stated to be a Mechanicus demense with tunnels, maybe a very obvious question, but one I felt the need to ask.
———— > Whichever tunnel works best for the GM’s campaign plans. It’s more fun often to leave breathing room in descriptions for the GM to more easily fit into their plans.
49. What is implied by the "+" on the cost and weight of the Emplaced cogitator on Table 5-6?
—————> The numbers listed are the lower end, and the GM can adjust them upwards based on specific models/situations.
50. On the actual Forge World Gear Table 5-6 it states the lathe blade upgrage costs 2500+, is this a typo or is it indicative of other tables that denote it is X cost + the cost of the weapon?
————— > No typo, and again the price could be higher depending on GM fiat.