The first apperance of Mace Windu

By DangerShine Designs, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I have been re-reading some of my much loved and well worn WEG Star Wars stuff and when looking through Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisely, I got to the Jawa Traders section and realized that before his illustrious career as a Jedi Master, Mace Windu was apparently a Squib on Tatooine. Who knew?

Evidently he was a tiny, gray-furred biped with tufted ears who wore a small cap adorned with tiny bits of metal. My, how he grew ;)



Edited by DangerShine Designs

He was a Squib, not a Jawa. :D

Yea, I noticed that several years ago and got a good laugh out of it.

WEG apparently was given access to a lot of material that was rejected or cut from the original trilogy.

wow Mace is the true master of the Misdirect power.

Actually, it's for Macemillian-winduarté:é

His Wookieepedia page matches the description perfectly, as well as this note from the end of it:

"The name Mace Windu dates to the earliest incarnation of Star Wars , a 13-page treatment written by George Lucas in 1973. Twenty years later, the West End Games sourcebook Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley applied the name to the character detailed here. Then in November 1996, Pablo Hidalgo 's short story " Spare Parts " gave this character's full name as Macemillian-winduarté.

After The Phantom Menace re-introduced the name Mace Windu as a powerful Jedi, a HoloNet article (also by Pablo Hidalgo) served as a kind of retcon , making it reasonable to assume that the Squib's name is somehow related to the Jedi's due to the Jedi's heroic status on Skor II ."

"Breaking news. Fate of Mace Windu exposed."

So, he survived fight the with Palpatine, and moved to tatooine, and went all yoda, and shrank and additionally got all hairy? ;)

Actually that is a good question.. noone saw the dead body of Master Windu... If Maul survived after falling while cut in two, why Mace Windu couldn't ? With just a missing hand on top of that, not a big deal for a Master Jedi

Windu was in fact not struck by Force Lightning, rather it was arcane Dark Side “spell” which transformed the Jedi Master into a Squib. Mace escaped into the night, and found the quickest transport to Tatooine where he lived the remainder of his days...

My players actually met that character (and purchased some, shall we say dubious, droids from him and his partners) well before the prequels came out. I remember watching the Phantom Menace and thinking, "Why does that name sound vaguely familiar?". :lol:

Ha. I've never read through that particular book so this was quite a shock to see...

Guess you really do learn something new every day! Crazy!

Mace was so full of rage when he died on Coruscant that his spirit went to the dark side and possessed Squib. He now is looking for revenge...

In case you are looking for a lame plot for your F&D games :P