I was running http://armadawarlords.hivelabs.solutions/view_list.php?token=131807&key=dc7f4c618303706715e3a95d069e8918 :
Rebel Alliance
Commander: General Madine
Assault Objective:
Advanced Gunnery
Defense Objective:
Planetary Ion Cannon
Navigation Objective:
Salvage Run
[ flagship ]
MC80 Battle Cruiser
(103 points)
- General Madine ( 30 points)
( 4 points)
- Raymus Antilles ( 7 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Spinal Armament ( 9 points)
- Leading Shots ( 4 points)
total ship cost
MC30c Torpedo Frigate
(63 points)
( 8 points)
- Lando Calrissian ( 4 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- H9 Turbolasers ( 8 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
total ship cost
GR-75 Medium Transports
(18 points)
Bright Hope
( 2 points)
- Toryn Farr ( 7 points)
total ship cost
GR-75 Medium Transports
(18 points)
total ship cost
Shara Bey
( 17 points)
E-Wing Squadrons
( 30 points)
X-Wing Squadron
( 13 points)
Rogue Squadron
( 14 points)
VCX-100 Freighter
( 15 points)
No photos from my first game, but my opponent was at his first tournament ever and ran Madine on a Command Cruiser with Wing Commander and Boosted Comms, and an MC80L with Nav Commander and Xi7s. He had a smattering of aces including Nym, Norra, and I forget what else. We played his solar corona and he deployed his two ships in such a way that his command cruiser couldn't avoid a collision on round 1 and his corona objective was on the wrong side of the board from where I deployed. That was a 400-17 win for me, the only thing I lost was Shara Bey.
Game 2 I faced Daniel Nowak, winner of the Steele Open. He ran Ackbar MC80 Defiance, 2 GR75's with titles, comms net, Leia, TRC Jaina's Light, Shara, 3 awing, 2 Xwing, 2 VCX, and we played his Planetary Ion Cannons. He put the 3 tokens in a horizontal line across the middle of the field. Dan forgot to set his dial for Jaina's Light, and without the nav command I was in blue range at the start of round 2, killing it. Round 3 I activated Admonition first and killed one flotilla out the port side, but only had a front arc shot at Bright Hope. I managed to get 2 damage through with the APT crit and foolishly opted to land on it to kill it instead of setting up a shot for the next turn. This left me barely within range of Defiance's side arc, and I ate a solid shot. This is the first time I forgot about Lando, despite thinking about him while Dan was rolling dice. I jumped the gun and got too ancy with using my evades and Admo ability. This cost me a tourney point after it happened again in Rd 6 and I forgot a 2nd time, letting him kill Admonition in the last round. I ended up with a 6 point win, having killed everything except Defiance.
Game 3 was against Jonathan Kwak with his usual 2 ISD 1 Moff Jerjerrod list. I think he had JJ on Relentless with Leading Shots and Boarding Troopers and a Skilled First Officer, and Avenger with Boarding Troopers, Leading Shots, and XX9s, 2 Gozantis, and Marek Steele, 2 Defenders and Valen Rudor. He chose my Salvage Run objective. I lost both flotillas but managed to get all 4 tokens. Because I failed to state that I was claiming a token when I activated one flotilla he called it a missed opportunity and I had to work a bit to get my VCX in range to flip it out to Endeavor. It was a bit jarring and disrupted my thoughts. By scrambling to do that I ended up losing all my squadrons and the squadron battle, ending up with only the 4 tokens and one Defender killed. End result was a 5-6 loss. This is the 2nd time I've faced this list in as many weeks, and I need to figure out how to get Admo in close range and not fear the Boarding Troopers, it's the only way to actually kill one. JJ and speed 3 ISDs are a good counter to Madine.
Game 4 I faced Lex and the first Sloan list of the day. He had an ISD 2 with Boarding Troopers and Avenger as his flagship. I think it was also kitted out to run squadrons, can't remember though. His Quasar had Pursuant with Flight controllers, Boosted Comms, Expanded Hangar Bays, and Flight Commander. His Gozanti only had comms net, and his squadrons included Dengar, Howlrunner, Valen Rudor, 2 or 3 TIEs and a handful of INTs. I think he had the bid and chose to go 2nd. I chose Solar Corona but we both forgot about the effect until after the game. I don't think I rolled any accuracies anyway. I managed to scare him with my E-wings, and killed two Ints off the bat, but lost Shara Bey to a single activation. He then threw his entire squadron ball into the middle so I got a good bit of flack out of it. I had to use Toryn Farr on almost every shot from my MC30, but it allowed me to throw a damage on almost everything he had there. Round 2 I had to put Admo facing away from his ISD because that was the only path to not collide and end up in the front arc. It did put me in position to slaughter his Pursuant, and I ended up with a 7 point win by mopping up everything but the ISD.
Game 5 ended with me facing Josh and his 6 Hammerhead Cracken swarm. All TFO and external racks except the flagship. He also had 3 2400s, Corran, Rogue, Han, and Dash. I chose Fighter Ambush since MW was flat out and Superior Positions looked worse. This is where mental fatigue really hit. Looking at the first shot of the last game you can see how badly I misdeployed by putting all of my squadrons in the center and then throwing the Endeavor down on the far left. I had one solid shot on a HH and got all but 1 damage on it. His rogues tore up my shields and got a token to end round 1. Fearing the rogues I rammed Cracken (leftmost HH) but ended up behind his line of battle. Admonition died at Round 2 and gave him 2 more tokens. The last rogue shot killed it, and any hope of my winning. Round 3 I finally got Shara Bey in to tie up Rogue, a 2400, and Dash. That only lasted for 2 turns though, and he managed to wipe out my squadrons as well. I managed to run around and land on the nearly dead Hammerhead to kill it and end my Turn 6, his 3 remaining rogues couldn't get any more tokens to finish, and he earned an 8-3 win.
I ended up in 8th place out of 25, and I believe only 6 of those 25 were Rebels. I think I had the only MC80L as well.
Edited by Formynder4
Corrected Kwak's list