14 minutes ago, Khift said:Shosuko:
I agree with you on the Forged Edict vs. Steward of Law, but I must continue to point out that with regards to the Shameful Display situation you are continuing to apply a rule that does not actually impact the situation. Specifically, Shameful Display does not have the word select in its ability text , and therefore rules about selecting choices do not apply to it. This is a very cogent point; select is a term that is well defined in the Rules Reference and Shameful Display categorically is not a selection by that definition. As a result, yes, both parts can actually fizzle if the controller of the ability so desires them to, because there does not exist a rule that says otherwise.
I didn't say anything about page 6 Effects point 5 Select. I said page 6 Effect point 2 - Once an ability is initiated, players must resolve as much of each aspect of its effect as they are able, unless the effect uses the word "may."
Shameful display has 2 aspects of the effect. You must honor one character, and dishonor another. If "becoming honored" is not a separate thing but is an augment of the same thing* then you cannot apply the effect to dishonor a dishonored character, or honor an honored character because that is not resolving the effect - that is fizzling the effect. Since you must resolve as much of the effect as possible, you would have to paint yourself into a corner to where it fizzles such as when you select an ordinary status and dishonored status character and target the ordinary for honored - the dishonor then fizzles. If you have an honored character, and a dishonored character, and an effect to honor one and dishonor the other, you aren't painted into a corner. You must actually resolve what you can, which would mean dishonoring the honored character and honoring the dishonored character.
* The Forged Edict situations makes this clear. If any part of a cost payment is prevented, once all costs that can be paid are paid, the process of initiating the ability or playing the card immediately end without further resolution. Steward of Law prevents Forged Edict from being played without an honored target because an ordinary status target then cannot become dishonored, and thus you cannot use dishonor on it. They are the same thing. The entire "becoming dishonored" isn't separate and distinct, but simply an augment of status tracking. You cannot dishonor a character who cannot become dishonored.
Edited by shosuko