This is an idea that I came up with a while back for my next campaign (which, admittedly, won't be for some time--we've a long way to go on the current campaign). The premise is that each of my players would roll up a few random characters just to get their creative juices flowing. I wouldn't require them to play such a character (they could, of course, if they wanted to). Rather, it would be an exercise in creativity--to get them to think about species and specializations that they might otherwise overlook.
I've found that it's amusing as a GM to make up some random characters. It might even inspire some NPCs! So here it is, with my personal slant for the type of game that I'd be willing to run next. One could easily tinker with what core mechanic to use (Obligation, Duty, Morality) and the odds of any result. You need access to the books and a d6, d10 and d%.
Step 1: Species
As of this being written, there are 71 species spread across numerous products (including the variant humans). Assemble the species in alphabetical order and roll d% (re-rolling results of 72-100) to determine species. If you own fewer books, you'll have fewer species to select from.
Step 2: Core Rulebook
For non-Droids roll 1d6: 1-3 = Edge of the Empire, 4-5 = Age of Rebellion, 6 = Force & Destiny
For Droids roll 1d10: 1-6 = Edge of the Empire, 7-10 = Age of Rebellion
This distribution is obviously slanted toward Edge of the Empire. You could do an even chance of any CRB or exclude specific lines altogether.
Step 3: Career
Roll 1d6 to determine your career from the CRB determined in Step 2.
Step 4: Specialization
Roll 1d6 to determine your specialization from those available to your career. If you don't have the career book for a particular career, then 1-2 = the 1st specialization, etc.
Step 5: Obligation
Roll on the obligation table that most closely matches the career or specialization (or the main table in the EotE CRB). You could instead (or in addition) roll for Duty.
Step 6: Motivation
Roll on the motivation tables that most closely match the career or specialization (again using the main table in any of the CRBs as desired).
Step 7: Emotional Strength & Emotional Weakness
Roll separately for emotional strengths and then emotional weaknesses using any appropriate table from the Force & Destiny line. Do this for all characters, even if they aren't Force-sensitive. This will give them some more roleplaying depth, and works well for characters should they become Force-sensitive later.
Step 8: Morality
If the character is Force-sensitive, I would start their Morality at 50. As I would be using Obligation as the main mechanic in my game, extra credits/XP would be gained by increasing Obligation.
The first time I generated a random character, I didn't have all the books, nor did I think to roll for emotional strengths and weaknesses. Still, my character was intriguing.
He was a Verpine Colonist/Marshal. His Obligation was Contracted and his Motivation was Crime. I decided that he had started out a relatively good law-enforcement officer, but eventually realized that the government was corrupt. He resigned his position and became a free-lance investigator for a criminal cartel.
I never would have thought to create a Verpine Marshal, so I really like the concept and I thought that I would share.