Guide to the Imperial Military

By Kyla, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Heya everyone! My Guide to the Imperial Military is almost done, and I'm in my last few pages of material. I wanted to include a list of where you could find the various NPCs and Vehicles I mention in it, and I was hoping the community could help me out with a few that I wasn't able to find released in FFG products yet. If someone could help me fill in this info, I would be greatly appreciative! Any that don't have stats I'm going to be making stats for, so cutting down the work is key. For the ones with Forged in Battle listed, I know they are in there, but I'm not sure what page they are on.

Super Class Star Destroyer
Gladiator Class Star Destroyer
Imperial Raider
TIE/x1 Advanced
Zeta Class Cargo Transport
TIE/rc Reconnaisance Fighter
AT-ACT (cargo carrier AT-AT from Rogue One)
ITT Troop Transport - Forged in Battle page ??
SC2-M Combat Assault Tank - Forged in Battle page ??
LAAT-i Gunship - Forged in Battle page ??
HAVw A5 Juggernaut
Anyways, I'm hoping you guys can help! I'm hoping to get everything ready by September 1st, but I'm cutting it close now. Anyway, for those of you interested in the product, it will be available on my Patreon soon ( and there are some sample images there to give an idea of what you're getting into!

  • Executor: Nope, sorry.
  • Gladiator: Friends Like These
  • Raider: Friends Like These
  • TIE/x1: Nope, sorry
  • Zeta: Nope, sorry
  • TIE/rc: Nope, sorry
  • AT-ACT: Nope, sorry
  • ITT: p. 59
  • SC2-M: p. 60
  • LAAT: p. 61-2
  • Juggernaut: Nope, sorry.

Thanks, Blackbird! Only 6 vehicle profiles that I have to defer to my home brew rules on, I'll take it!

Huh, I was thinking of doing something similar to this, though directly based on the old Imperial Sourcebook. I've done some work on it, but no stats unfortunately.

Besides stats what does you're guide cover?

Edited by Lord Zack

Uniforms, fleet/squad/wing details (number, type, organization, deployment strategies), rank cylinders by department (Imperial Navy, Stormtroopers, Imperial Army, ISB), structure of the bureaucracy, background of the Imperial Academy, new ships and vehicles, images of standard issue imperial weapons and equipment, and a complete listing of all ships, vehicles and NPCs covered in the book and where they can be found in the official FFG products. Plus a little bit of fun artwork and other stuff. Here are a few sample pics!

Guide to the Imperial Military Teaser 5.jpg

I thought Praji was a stormtrooper officer?

There didn't seem to be anything but stormtroopers on the Tantive IV , and Vader ordered Praji to personally oversee the detachment - of stormtroopers - which went down to find the droids. I always envisaged that the "sir" who was the subject of "Look sir! Droids!" on Tatooine was Praji back in his armour...

Edited by Daronil
18 minutes ago, Daronil said:

I thought Praji was a stormtrooper officer?

There didn't seem to be anything but stormtroopers on the Tantive IV , and Vader ordered Praji to personally oversee the detachment - of stormtroopers - which went down to find the droids.

Funny thing that, there's never a discussion in canon resources about any of that. Praji himself is only even given a name through the Decipher CCG that came out in the 90's. In the book, I looked at every single visual reference I could to determine all the ranks that were spoken and assigned and the various bars that were associated with them, and very quickly the answer became apparent that the only way to make sense of any of it was to establish a cross command structure similar to current JOC formations in the USMil. So I went about focusing on they were doing, and through it a reasonable narrative came to mind. If Commander Praji was in the Imperial Army, specifically information technologies and data forensics, then the spoken lines makes sense. "The Death Star plans are not in the main computer and no transmissions were made. An escape was jettisoned during the fighting, but there were no life forms aboard." "They must have hidden the plans inside the escape pod. Send a detachment down to recover them, and see to it personally, Commander, there'll be no one to stop us this time!"

The context there allows for the Stormtroopers to be issued for the recovery, and for Commander Praji to personally oversee the operation to make sure the data is retrieved. He isn't in command of the Stormtroopers normally, their Sergeant would still have operational command of the squad, but just like an attached translator or specialist, he would have command oversight of the data handling and recovery.

13 minutes ago, Kyla said:

Funny thing that, there's never a discussion in canon resources about any of that. Praji himself is only even given a name through the Decipher CCG that came out in the 90's. In the book, I looked at every single visual reference I could to determine all the ranks that were spoken and assigned and the various bars that were associated with them, and very quickly the answer became apparent that the only way to make sense of any of it was to establish a cross command structure similar to current JOC formations in the USMil. So I went about focusing on they were doing, and through it a reasonable narrative came to mind. If Commander Praji was in the Imperial Army, specifically information technologies and data forensics, then the spoken lines makes sense. "The Death Star plans are not in the main computer and no transmissions were made. An escape was jettisoned during the fighting, but there were no life forms aboard." "They must have hidden the plans inside the escape pod. Send a detachment down to recover them, and see to it personally, Commander, there'll be no one to stop us this time!"

The context there allows for the Stormtroopers to be issued for the recovery, and for Commander Praji to personally oversee the operation to make sure the data is retrieved. He isn't in command of the Stormtroopers normally, their Sergeant would still have operational command of the squad, but just like an attached translator or specialist, he would have command oversight of the data handling and recovery.

That's fair - I always had my own "head canon" where the officers in the black uniforms were stormtrooper officers. Praji was one, obviously. Another was the officer talking to Vader on the Tantive IV ("Holding her is dangerous. If word of this gets out it could generate sympathy for the Rebellion in the Senate..."). Also, the guy issuing demands to stormtroopers on the Death Star: "TK-421, why aren't you at your post?"

I like your idea of specialists crossing in and out of the stormtrooper corps, though...

I live on an incredibly tight fixed income, is this ever going to see the light of day for non patroen members?

Kyla, do you have a guide you use when converting characters from WEG to FFG? Or do you just kind of wing it?

I was looking at the character stats and had the following in my head, with a rough value of 1 FFG = 1D WEG.

AGILITY...............average(DEX, MEC)
INTELLECT..........average(KNO, TEC)
CUNNING...........average(KNO, PER)
PRESENCE.........not sure!

10 hours ago, Daronil said:

Kyla, do you have a guide you use when converting characters from WEG to FFG? Or do you just kind of wing it?

I was looking at the character stats and had the following in my head, with a rough value of 1 FFG = 1D WEG.

AGILITY...............average(DEX, MEC)
INTELLECT..........average(KNO, TEC)
CUNNING...........average(KNO, PER)
PRESENCE.........not sure!

I actually did come up with a half-way decent WEG-FFG conversion in order to convert my long-time character.


For Attributes,

Step One: round each result of Step One down to whole dice. For new base Attribute.

Step Two: Convert results from step one to FFG equivalent:

Strength = Brawn,

Dexterity = Agility

Knowledge = Intellect

Perception = Presence

Knowledge + Perception/2 = Willpower

Technical = Cunning


Step One subtract pips from each original D6 attribute’s dice

Step Two: add pips from each Attribute to each related skill and round up to next whole die.

Step Three: Subtract result of Step One from Step Two.

Step Four: Divide result from Step Three by three and round up to get new skill value.

Example. A Dexterity of 3D+2 and Lightsaber of 9D+1, add the +2 to the 9D+1 giving you 10D (no further rounding necessary) 10-3=7. 7/3=2.33333 rounded to 3.

Example two: A Strength of 2D+2 and a Stamina of 6D+2, add the +2 pips to the 6D+2 to get 7D+1 rounded to 8D. 8-2=6. 6/3=2.

Example three: A Mechanical of 2D and a Space Transports of 2D+1. 2D+1 rounds up to 3D. 3-2=1. 1/3=.3333 rounded up to 1.

Example four: a Perception of 3D+1 and Command of 6D. 3D+1 rounds to 3D. Add +1 pip to 6D= 6D+1, rounded to 7D. 7-2=5. 5/3=1.666667, rounded to 2.

Force Skills and Force Powers:

Step One: add base dice (not including pips) from all three Force Skills together

Step Two Multiply the result from Step One by three

Step Three: Add all +1s and +2s from all three Force Skills.

Step Four: Add the result from Step Three to the result from Step Two.

Step Five: Multiply result of Step Four by ten, this is he total XP available for Force Powers and their Upgrades.

Step Six Convert D6 Force Powers to their FFG equivalents.

Step Seven: divide up XP among new Force powers and upgrades.

For example: Ulic Qel-Droma has Control of 3D+1, Sense of 2D+2 and Alter of 3D and eleven Force Powers in his Force Power list., some of which don’t have FFG equivalents, others convert to Force Talents.

Adding 3D=2D=3D= 8D 8x3=24. 1+2=3, 24+3= 27. 27x10=270; giving him 270 total XP divided among his various Force Powers and their upgrades.

Tramp Graphics,

That's a big help - thanks!

One question: I note in the assigning of attributes that there is no equivalent for Mechanical (from WEG). Is this because everything that was originally in WEG's MECHANICAL is actually just folded into other attributes in FFG? For example, Starship Piloting (MEC) becomes Piloting (Space) (AGILITY)?

Or is there something I've missed?

4 minutes ago, Daronil said:

Tramp Graphics,

That's a big help - thanks!

One question: I note in the assigning of attributes that there is no equivalent for Mechanical (from WEG). Is this because everything that was originally in WEG's MECHANICAL is actually just folded into other attributes in FFG? For example, Starship Piloting (MEC) becomes Piloting (Space) (AGILITY)?

Or is there something I've missed?

That and this conversion was also partially based upon the old D6 to D20 conversion as well.

On 9/13/2017 at 5:12 AM, Daronil said:

Kyla, do you have a guide you use when converting characters from WEG to FFG? Or do you just kind of wing it?

I was looking at the character stats and had the following in my head, with a rough value of 1 FFG = 1D WEG.

AGILITY...............average(DEX, MEC)
INTELLECT..........average(KNO, TEC)
CUNNING...........average(KNO, PER)
PRESENCE.........not sure!

It's actually fairly simple. The very first thing I do is check to see if there's an analog in the basic templates provided by FFG. For example, if I have stock Stormtroopers in a scenario, I have no need to create stats, I already have access to them. Since I played the d6 game back in the day, I know the level of challenge the number of Stormtroopers were in the WEG system, and since I also play the FFG game, I know the number of Stormtroopers in the Minion Group that provides the same level of challenge needed in the scenario. From there, I adjust number of Stormtroopers up or down. I do this for everything with analogs. When it comes to NPCs, new creatures, etc. I still try to find analogs; I take what the creature is intended to do (is it a flying poison bearing beastie? a shadow dwelling land predator? etc) and then take the threat level as with Stormtroopers. I then go through existing critters and find a good analog in power level and theme. Rarely do I not find what I'm looking for somewhere.

With NPC's, I start with what they are; a Smuggler, Pirate, Imperial Captain? All of those have basic, general stats. From there, I change equipment and slightly modify skills to reflect specific flavorings called for by the adventure; he has a vintage Wookie bowcaster in his study he uses, but the standard profile only has Ranged [Light] 3? Then swap it for Ranged [Heavy] 3 instead. As he won't have a pistol, the change doesn't adjust anything about it. After I've made these small adjustments, I try and match him to what he was designed to do in the scenario once more; if there is an ability or skill that is needed still, I add them and see if that changes the basic power or profile from Rival to Nemesis, etc. After all that is done, it's simply reskinning the equipment to match and plugging it in.

Very rarely is there ever a call to make stats from scratch, and when I do, the first thing I do is run the encounter in with my group a few times with different party set-ups to see what might break and make sure the encounter runs as intended in the story. I think I've had to make pure stats from scratch once .... maybe twice, in all the conversions I've done. Everything else is utilizing inherent roles to maintain congruity and balance.

Edited by Kyla

Amazing stuff. I will be looking into your stories and books too. You have a new fan.

Awww, thanks! I'm glad you like it! I really love what I am doing, and it gives me a lot of incentive to hear that you folks find my stuff usefull!

Quick question. Is that guide primarily for playing as Imperial characters? How useful is it for standard play where the characters are supposed to be heroes?

It's actually not "for" either. It's a breakdown of the military structure of the Empire, from Navy Fleet structure to the basic two man fire-team protocols of the Stormtroopers and Army. It's 90% fluff information, telling you what uniforms belong to who, when to call and NPC "Director" versus "General," and how many TIE fighters are actually chasing you when a Flight goes after you versus a Squadron, etc... There are stats for Imperial Vehicles in the back of the book, and with the upcoming 2.0, I'll be providing stats for all Imperial stuff mentioned in it, so it will be a "one-stop resource" for all Imperial NPCs and equipment. A great tool for GM's, for players, less so, but still useful.

Dude I really want to read this all over because I homebrew my games with setting changes that are pretty heavy but your post text physically hurt and strain my eyes

Hot ****

I find highlighting it helps, though even with that it's hard going if over a few sentences.

Kyla is very fond of her pink. The black background is a concession so she can still keep her pink text but help a little on the eyes of her readers.

Kyla is as well very forward about her advertising for something which is in essence a commercial, (most likely) unlicenced star wars product. Not sure if reddit alone would have been a better place, because apparently FFG reads at least sometimes in their own forums. ;-)

Content looks cool, type setting looks terrible. :D

It's not a commercial product, everything I do is free, only thing my patreons get is access to it before anyone else does, but that's because they get to watch my design and writing process, and I use their feedback to make changes to it in the end.

But hey, go ahead and hate SEA. :D

For the AT-ACT and Zeta-class shuttle the people over at d20 Radio have brewed up those stat blocks, along with that of the TIE Striker and the TX-225 GAVw “Occupier” Combat Assault Tank.

Edited by philadunc
Added reference to the TX-225 tank
On 2017-10-13 at 2:34 AM, SEApocalypse said:

Kyla is as well very forward about her advertising for something which is in essence a commercial, (most likely) unlicenced star wars product. Not sure if reddit alone would have been a better place, because apparently FFG reads at least sometimes in their own forums. ;-)

Content looks cool, type setting looks terrible. :D

On 2017-10-16 at 10:48 PM, Kyla said:

It's not a commercial product, everything I do is free, only thing my patreons get is access to it before anyone else does, but that's because they get to watch my design and writing process, and I use their feedback to make changes to it in the end.

But hey, go ahead and hate SEA. :D

SEA made a fair point. As the preview page made heavy use of what seems to be Lucasfilm material I would be iffy about paying someone else for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fair use and limiting trademark abuse (I might even have pirated a thing or two in my day), but making money off someone else's work rubs me the wrong way. Of course, this is not intended to diminish all the considerable work you seem to have put into it, but the inclusion of other people's material puts it into an odd grey area.

Of course, since it's free this a moot point and all power to you, but this wasn't apparent from your earlier post or your patreon page. Thanks for clearing it up!

Edited by penpenpen