How do you all plan on getting stats for all the ships, vehicles and other equipment, species, etc. for this D6 version of the game? I am sure they are not planning on expanding the D6 line, although I'd love it if they did. I own the FFG version of Star Wars and the original D6 books for this and would be tempted to run the game in the D6 version if my players wanted me to if I could find these resources for my campaign since I do not have time to stat all these up myself. I know there are Google Plus pages and stuff like that. I just need to be pointed to the materials.
Equipment and species for the D6 game?
20 minutes ago, daddystabz said:How do you all plan on getting stats for all the ships, vehicles and other equipment, species, etc. for this D6 version of the game? I am sure they are not planning on expanding the D6 line, although I'd love it if they did. I own the FFG version of Star Wars and the original D6 books for this and would be tempted to run the game in the D6 version if my players wanted me to if I could find these resources for my campaign since I do not have time to stat all these up myself. I know there are Google Plus pages and stuff like that. I just need to be pointed to the materials.
What are you looking for? Books or online resources?
Try d6holocron for pdfs and ebay for old hardcopies. It's what WEG players have been doing for several years.
But the official stuff only covered the EU and original trilogy.
I've gotten myself the Incredible Cross Sections for The Force Awakens, and pre ordered The Last Jedi. This should help with vehicles and ships.
Once I've got the book in hand, and seen what weapons, equipment, races and creatures it already has, I'll then decide what to do. Some things should be easy to house rule. Others it won't be necessary, as a humanoid NPC is still a humanoid NPC, with just a rule or two to represent their uniqueness. Any question and I'll do some research online or ask one of the Google+ communities I'm part of for their opinion and see what comes back.
If you're looking for The Force Awakens ships and NPCs, I'd be surprised if the d6 fan community hasn't already come up with their own take on stats.
Though to be honest, given how technology doesn't really seem to advance all that much in Star Wars, you could probably just use Rebel-era stats for TFA-era versions with a few extra points here and there, such as basing the T-70 X-Wing off the classic T-65 X-Wing, though perhaps dealing more damage and having better shields than it's predecessor, or having First Order TIEs be functionally similar to the classic TIE/ln. It's really only the Falcon that stands out, given it's bordering on being a museum piece by the time of TFA, but for what little action it does see, it seems to hold up pretty well despite having sat in a junkyard for however many years. For various NPCs, you can probably just use their Rebel-era equivalent completely as is for most things, with the Rathtar being the only major exception.
You can probably just do a web search for "d6 The Force Awakens conversions" and come up with some results.
2 minutes ago, Donovan Morningfire said:If you're looking for The Force Awakens ships and NPCs, I'd be surprised if the d6 fan community hasn't already come up with their own take on stats.
Though to be honest, given how technology doesn't really seem to advance all that much in Star Wars, you could probably just use Rebel-era stats for TFA-era versions with a few extra points here and there, such as basing the T-70 X-Wing off the classic T-65 X-Wing, though perhaps dealing more damage and having better shields than it's predecessor, or having First Order TIEs be functionally similar to the classic TIE/ln. It's really only the Falcon that stands out, given it's bordering on being a museum piece by the time of TFA, but for what little action it does see, it seems to hold up pretty well despite having sat in a junkyard for however many years. For various NPCs, you can probably just use their Rebel-era equivalent completely as is for most things, with the Rathtar being the only major exception.
You can probably just do a web search for "d6 The Force Awakens conversions" and come up with some results.
Hi Donovan. I remember interacting with you in Star Wars Saga Edition in forums and such. What are your personal views on Saga vs. This reissued D6 version vs. FFG Star Wars? Which is your personal favorite and why?
9 minutes ago, daddystabz said:Hi Donovan. I remember interacting with you in Star Wars Saga Edition in forums and such. What are your personal views on Saga vs. This reissued D6 version vs. FFG Star Wars? Which is your personal favorite and why?
Thought your forum handle looked familiar...
Of the various systems, my main preference these days is the FFG system. It's not perfect, but I've come to very much like the uncertainty principle that comes with the dice, as there's no such thing as a sure thing when you roll the dice; I've seen PCs flub checks against difficulties they should have crushed, and succeed with advantage on checks they've had no business succeeding at in the first place. I also like that Force users are a slow burn in terms of power, as they don't start out awesome but they don't really have a point where they become so overpowered the rest of the party is largely irrelevant, thus far averting the "linear warriors, quadratic wizards" issue that's plagued Star Wars RPGs over the years.
I still like Saga Edition, and it's one of the very few d20-based games that I'm not completely adverse to playing (the others being Mutants and Masterminds and D&D 4th and 5th edition), but it still suffered the problems of 3.X D&D of the overall math breaking down at higher levels and that it was ridiculously easy to have overpowered Force users right out the gate.
As for the re-issue d6, I'm honestly not 100% certain that I'm going to buy it. Yeah, there's very much a part of me that likes the novelty factor, as I had a lot of fun over the course of nearly a decade with the system, but even the 2e Revised & Expanded rules had problems with how lopsided characters could get, giving rise to idiot-savants that were aces in their chosen niche but absolute pants at anything outside that niche, to say nothing of the 1e rules that these books are going with. Admittedly the FFG system can suffer from that as well, but a character with just a 2 in the relevant characteristic can generally get by at most tasks and it doesn't take much XP to develop a basic level of proficiency with a skill if necessary.
On 8/31/2017 at 3:02 PM, Donovan Morningfire said:even the 2e Revised & Expanded rules had problems with how lopsided characters could get, giving rise to idiot-savants that were aces in their chosen niche but absolute pants at anything outside that niche
Yeah, we had to - well, not so much house ruled, but a Gentleman's Agreement - that problem away. Pretty much everyone at the table agreed to not explode a pilot to 10D (for an example) straight away, but spread out those experience points. I think we implemented a "Cant Raise a Skill More Than One +1 Per Session" guideline. Even with these rules in place, characters would eventually become top heavy and unplayable.
Weirdly enough we haven't found that Game Breaking Point in the NarDS yet. We're at 800-ish points (plus starting) and I can still think of a dozen areas my character needs improvement on. Minions can still be troublesome and dangerous despite everyone being reasonably powerful Jedi.
3 hours ago, Desslok said:Yeah, we had to - well, not so much house ruled, but a Gentleman's Agreement - that problem away. Pretty much everyone at the table agreed to not explode a pilot to 10D (for an example) straight away, but spread out those experience points. I think we implemented a "Cant Raise a Skill More Than One +1 Per Session" guideline. Even with these rules in place, characters would eventually become top heavy and unplayable.
Weirdly enough we haven't found that Game Breaking Point in the NarDS yet. We're at 800-ish points (plus starting) and I can still think of a dozen areas my character needs improvement on. Minions can still be troublesome and dangerous despite everyone being reasonably powerful Jedi.
The 1 pip power session was a rule I used to. Also they can only raised skills they used which prompted players creatively using other skills
Yeah, we did that too - although more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule. ****, it still kind of guides my point expenditures today. I have to justify - at least to myself - why I'm raising that skill, be it use or training or whatever.
(Also, Atch Eee double hockey sticks is a censored word? What the ****!)
Edited by Desslok8 minutes ago, Desslok said:Yeah, we did that too - although more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule. ****, it still kind of guides my point expenditures today. I have to justify - at least to myself - why I'm raising that skill, be it use or training or whatever.
(Also, Atch Eee double hockey sticks is a censored word? What the ****!)
That's funny AF I don't know what they are trying to bleep out lol. At one time we did a talent system up to the skills randomly rules would skip the +1 pip. Did you ever do the the 2nd ed stat over maximum roll?
On 8/30/2017 at 10:46 PM, daddystabz said:How do you all plan on getting stats for all the ships, vehicles and other equipment, species, etc. for this D6 version of the game? I am sure they are not planning on expanding the D6 line, although I'd love it if they did. I own the FFG version of Star Wars and the original D6 books for this and would be tempted to run the game in the D6 version if my players wanted me to if I could find these resources for my campaign since I do not have time to stat all these up myself. I know there are Google Plus pages and stuff like that. I just need to be pointed to the materials.
For anyone looking for old Source books I recommend "4shared" website you can find almost all the WEG stuff, plus some fan stuff on there as PDFs
Edited by Slash MacbainThe Awakens Era of Equipment Empire
Imperial Era (Rogue One)
Clone Wars Era of the Empire
Fortunately the system is simple enough that it's really not that hard to houserule them.
However, you might be able to find some of the old books at Noble Knight games.
I remember the Rancor Pit had a lot of fan books related to D6 conversions from D20, Saga and FFG books.
On 9/6/2017 at 3:19 PM, Desslok said:Yeah, we had to - well, not so much house ruled, but a Gentleman's Agreement - that problem away. Pretty much everyone at the table agreed to not explode a pilot to 10D (for an example) straight away, but spread out those experience points. I think we implemented a "Cant Raise a Skill More Than One +1 Per Session" guideline. Even with these rules in place, characters would eventually become top heavy and unplayable.
Granted, it's been a decade or more since I cracked open the books, but that must've been such a common house rule that I could've sworn it was down in black and white somewhere, because we did it, too.
On 8/31/2017 at 12:02 AM, daddystabz said:But the official stuff only covered the EU and original trilogy.
For some fans, definitely a feature, not a bug!
On 8/31/2017 at 1:02 AM, daddystabz said:But the official stuff only covered the EU and original trilogy.
On 2/15/2018 at 2:28 PM, Falconer2 said:For some fans, definitely a feature, not a bug!
Not only that, but at the time, that's all there was. The prequels didn't even exist yet. All the game had to work with were the original trilogy and EU books and comics. Heck, the WEG game created much of the information in the EU.
On 2/14/2018 at 5:13 PM, Rithuan said:I remember the Rancor Pit had a lot of fan books related to D6 conversions from D20, Saga and FFG books.
Now THOSE were the days! Man, I was so glad when we wrapped that project up though. It took a lot of stamina. It was kind of a small crew working on all those books.
We've still got links to them listed at the Pit, but D6 Holocron seems to be the standard repository for sharing the links to the fan-made books.
I started on working on stat conversions to the FFG books, but 1) there wasn't any real way to do the math on the conversion, since there weren't a lot of correlations between the old stat blocks and the FFG re-inventions. 2) Since it was going to be a "no-math all re-imagining" of the stats, it was going to be a lot more work with a lot more community disagreement, it was going to be a lot more effort. 3) I'm not in a place in my life where I could do all of them by myself, and I couldn't gather a crew like we had for the SAGA books.