Two uniques with 199 points?

By Xargonaut, in Runewars List Building

Hey guys, I'm going to an Organized Play event this weekend and I'm planning on taking both Ardus and Ankaur Maro in my army, but my list account for 199 points. The army building rules say that you can only have one unique character per 100 pts. Is there any chance my army list get rejected because it is not exactly 200 pts? Did you have any similar experience, and how it turned out?

I will try to contact the event organizer about this, but I wanted to know if you had similar experiences before.


It's a 200 point tournament, so you can use 2 heroes. You're good.

2 minutes ago, Contrapulator said:

It's a 200 point tournament, so you can use 2 heroes. You're good.

My interpretation as well.

I feel like it's been said but a 3rd confirmation never hurt anyone. I believe it's just based on point allowance, not usage.

All right, thanks!

I have played an army with 2 heroes at 199 points in the Escalation League. It didn't go so well, but that's probably due to deployment and maneuvers, rather than the army itself.

However, I did find that I prefer Ankaur Maro supporting a 3x2 of Reanimates with Ardus Ix'Erebus upgrade, rather than having Ardus separate. Unique upgrades don't count towards the limit of 2 heroes, if I understand correctly. Even though it's a smaller unit, it hits way harder than you'd expect, and Ankaur can keep the machine ticking if necessary (though I use him as a heavy ranged hitter).

I prefer Ardus w/ a 2x2 of reanimates with Ankaur upgrade and a 3x3 of reanimates, maybe a 3x2 of points and let ankaur build up the reanimates and the archers.

1 hour ago, Curlycross said:

I prefer Ardus w/ a 2x2 of reanimates with Ankaur upgrade and a 3x3 of reanimates, maybe a 3x2 of points and let ankaur build up the reanimates and the archers.

So Ardus unit; 2x2 Reanimates with Ankaur Maro upgrade; 3x3 Reanimates to be kill and constantly getting trays added. I like it!

...I need more trays of Reanimates - I only have 6.

I also start with a 2x1 of archers. Last game I played against @Wraithist 's wife and I added something like 12-14 trays throughout that game. I had a 3x4 of Reanimates and a 2x4 of archers at one point. As long as the stable and natural runes drop equally over the game, you don't lose units in the Ankaur 2x2.

it'd be rather difficult to field 2 heroes if you had to have exactly 200pts. Several lists are a point or two shy for one reason or another.