Updated Clan Roles...and more?

By Shu2jack, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

The OP website has been updated with the clan roles for the upcoming Winter Court.

And it was mentioned that no more than 4 Keeper or Seeker Roles can be chosen among the clans. Hm?

Will a clan be able to pick the chosen role for their clan, or a role not chosen by anyone? This would help competitors who really want a Keeper or Seeker Role for their clan cards, but a different role was chosen for the year. Will choosing an unpicked role have story implications or card design implications?

Edited by Shu2jack

I don't understand your questions.

For me, the sentence you're quoting only means that, starting with Worlds, there won't be a situation like now where all five keepers (or all 5 seekers) are taken. So, it's a limitation for those with last choices. For example, if already 4 keepers are chosen, everybody after that will have to take seeker and there always will be either 4 keepers / 3 seekers or 3 keepers / 4 seekers.

Edited by KerenRhys

I wonder why they would be forcing a 4-3 split though.

If I had to guess they might change up the OP rules, and clans will be able to choose from with their assigned role or one of the unpicked roles. It would resolve the keeper/seeker lock, but it would feel really weird.

Edited by player2636234
added a crackpot theory
Just now, KerenRhys said:

I don't understand your questions.

For me, the sentence you're quoting only means that, starting with worlds, there won't be a situation like now where all five keepers (or all 5 seekers) are taken. So, it's a limitation for those with last choices. For example, if already 4 keepers are chosen, everybody after that will have to take seeker and there always will be either 4 keepers / 3 seekers or 3 keepers / 4 seekers.

Starting with the upcoming expansion pack, clans will have cards that can only be used if you have a seeker role or a keeper role. Obviously you can't use cards that are Seeker only if your clan has a Keeper role.

This issue of having cards you can not use will be avoided if players can choose a role picked by their clan, or any unpicked role. Then a player can have full access to their clan's card list. The Developers have mentioned they have plans for unpicked roles.

Sure, but I don't see anything in that page that is saying that and I feel it would totally defeat the purpose of the choice by the top of clans.

4 minutes ago, KerenRhys said:

Sure, but I don't see anything in that page that is saying that and I feel it would totally defeat the purpose of the choice by the top of clans.

Its a discussion board, discuss. :D

I think the goal of the Role system is to not give advantages to certain clans but to keep game play fresh. By forcing clans to choose different roles each year a player has to approach the game slightly differently each year. By letting players picked roles not chosen it gives players full access to their card list while keeping things fresh.

Edited by Shu2jack

I think the setup that you lay out is unlikely. It would severely undermine the importance of the role determination at worlds. Particularly with how minor the Ring component of the choice is compared to Seeker v. Keeper, such a rule would make the role decision almost entirely unimportant. I don't see how having a minor change in the available selections of what ring your can pick in relation to Seeker and Keeper keeps things fresh. If that was the system, they would be better off printing cards related to the element of your role, rather than Seeker or Keeper.

If you want to play and try decks with non-official roles, go ahead. That's a great way to test things out and lobby for your top of clan to choose the role that you think is superior. But if the system is going to have any sort of impact on the game, you'll have to play competitively with your clan's current role.

Since there can be only 4 keepers or 4 seekers max chosen at the same time, it means there always will be at least 1 keeper and 1 seeker remaining. So, with your suggestion, you totally undermine the choice of keeper or seeker sine you'd always have both accessible. And then, you lose that freshness you're talking about.

After all, what would be the differences of deckbuilding one year compared to the other in that case? Just 1 province basically? It would suck as a prize for top of clan...

8 minutes ago, KerenRhys said:

Since there can be only 4 keepers or 4 seekers max chosen at the same time, it means there always will be at least 1 keeper and 1 seeker remaining. So, with your suggestion, you totally undermine the choice of keeper or seeker sine you'd always have both accessible. And then, you lose that freshness you're talking about.

After all, what would be the differences of deckbuilding one year compared to the other in that case? Just 1 province basically? It would suck as a prize for top of clan...

I guess I'm thinking the top clan will pick the optimal role for their clan. Most players will follow that role unless they want to use specific Keeper/Seeker cards.

Clans that don't get their optimal role will still have some other options.

Is it undermining the Clans choice? I don't think so. Either you will go with their optimal pick or with the left overs other clans didn't want. This also leaves the full card list available to a player.

Those options will change every year because clans have to pick something new every year. How i approach a clan will be adjusted by what their role is.

It's like picking teams for dodgeball. Pick the athletic kids first and at the end who cares who who is taken. Just a body you can choose.

I see 2 things with the limit 4. One is that if there is a more desired role overall, it forces more clans to play without that desired role.

Two - they can only fit in 1 more faction before some must have no role...

I'm glad to see the official post showing the current roles, but I'd like to learn more. I've already been playing with the chosen role paired with the clans, just to prepare for when they take effect.

16 minutes ago, shosuko said:

Two - they can only fit in 1 more faction before some must have no role...

If they add 2 more factions they can just return to 5 Keepers/Seekers max. With 9 factions, 5 Keepers/Seekers guarantee a fairly even 5/4 split.

The current 4 Keeper/Seeker limit is intended to prevent another 5/2 split. They likely want the Keeper/Seeker factions to be close to balanced (4/3) rather than substantially favoring one side or the other.

Edited by Ultimatecalibur

Maybe the roles were planned out with future clans in mind and they wanted more of an even split. Right now since the first cycle is concentrating on Seeker or Keeper only cards the Seeker only cards will see a lot less play in OP (since they are legal for way fewer factions). Though Worlds is right around the corner so in reality it won't matter. We might have the first pack before Worlds if we are lucky. Right now Keeper feels pretty strong because Keeper Initiate and the extra influence is a big boon in the smaller card pool. I'd like to see what it's like after the first cycle when the roles have a more tangible effect on the available card pool.

I doubt the first pack will come out in time to be legal at Worlds. The Core Set comes out 1 month before Worlds, so the first pack should come out around Worlds, but that means it won't be legal because there is a delay in legality for an event of that level.

WILD SPECULATION - the remaining roles are going to be used for a Draft or Multiplayer format.

5 hours ago, Khudzlin said:

I doubt the first pack will come out in time to be legal at Worlds. The Core Set comes out 1 month before Worlds, so the first pack should come out around Worlds, but that means it won't be legal because there is a delay in legality for an event of that level.

Agreed. I expect it to be in stores a week or two after Worlds but on sale at the event, much like the first AGoT 2.0 expansion.

I'm guessing the hall of honor will be updated after the honored event, so they can post the entire "first batch" all at once.

In regards to the unused roles, whatever their original plan was got foiled when every Keeper got snatched up.

Considering the only possible outcomes are 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, and 2-5, it's hard to imagine they simply didn't expect 50% of the outcomes as being possible.

30 minutes ago, player2636234 said:

Considering the only possible outcomes are 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, and 2-5, it's hard to imagine they simply didn't expect 50% of the outcomes as being possible.

I'd say there is a fifty-fifty chance they did not expect it. But, I am only right half of the time.

39 minutes ago, player2636234 said:

Considering the only possible outcomes are 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, and 2-5, it's hard to imagine they simply didn't expect 50% of the outcomes as being possible.

Said like that, it looks like 50% of outcomes, but there are actually only 10 different choices of 5 keepers and 2 seekers (same for 5 seekers and 2 keepers) and 40 different choices of 4 keepers and 3 seekers (same for 4 seekers and 3 keepers). So they dismissed 20% of possible outcomes, not 50%.

As a Hida, I disapprove of the use of math in my thread. There are only two maths you need to know; the odds are not in the Crab's favor and there is a 100% chance we will do our duty.


Edited by Shu2jack
1 hour ago, Shu2jack said:

As a Hida, I disapprove of the use of math in my thread. There are only two maths you need to know; the odds are not in the Crab's favor and there is a 100% chance we will do our duty.


I take it you don't have many Kaiu friends, huh?