Either i was missing it, or no one posted anything so far.
Last weekend was (at the same time as the German nationals...) the France national for Armada.
I only got my info from the
FFG France Facebook
Maybe someone else can post a bit more.
I have no info about the number of players (there were 21 reservations). The results are not on T3 so far. And i have no further info about the other lists that were played.
But on the picture are 16 persons. So my guess would be around 16 players (more if some left early).
The Final was:
Patrack win with (
List Link
MC 80 Command Cruiser, 2x CR90B, 2x CR90A, 2x Transport. With Ackbar as admiral.
Nobby (
Link List
2x MC-30, 2x Pelta, 2x Transport. With Mon Mothma as admiral.
It is really interesting, how different the Meta is. We had an extreme Squadron heavy meta in Germany. And this looks like a meta without squadrons (or with only few).
To be honest. Don't think that these lists would stand any chance against a real squadron list. But this is my personal opinion and experience. But if the meta does not has many squadrons, and there have not been many lists with heavy squadrons, this lists will work (as they obviously did). And France was not the only who had a squadron-less list that won after all.
But with 10 squadrons and Sloane, this means at least one dead small ship every turn (Admo and Foresight could be one turn, but not with Mon Mothma) if there are no squadrons to stop them. And this is without the help from the ISD.
Maybe someone can enlighten me if (and where) i am wrong