Daidoji Nerishma

By clanmccracken, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

While working on my deck, I came across this card, and I've been trying to find a use for him. By himself he is a pretty good card. 2 fate for a 3/1/1 and a high military crane card for cheep is always good.

The part I am confused by is his ability. " Action: Choose a face down card in one of your provinces - Turn that card face up." What use does this ability serve? At any point you can use that ability you are all ready done buying cards from your provinces.

What are your thoughts on the card? Just a meh ability on a military beat stick, or is there some functionality I am missing?

Edited by clanmccracken

You can use it during the dynasty phase.

Buy him. The rest of your board is "meh", or you are looking for a certain card? Trigger his ability and see if something else you want to buy pops up.

I was under the impression that you could only use actions during the conflict phase.

Page 18 of the RR, there is a Special Action Window (1.4) under the Dynasty Phase where you can take actions. The only restriction is that a player can not play characters and attachments from his or her hand.

I see, that does help. Thanks.

I do think that using his ability during the Dynasty phase is the most straightforward use of his ability, but I could also see it being useful in conflicts, too. A holding turned face-up could come in handy, and there are cards like Charge! that allow you to get Dynasty characters into play during conflicts. It might be rather nice to see Nerishma on the other side of an ambush for once!

It can also give you a character that you can Charge with later. And as a late CCG Spider player, that province flip is pretty awesome. Having access to five cards vs your opponent's 4 can give you more options.

Using the ability is not a given. If I understand the turn sequence correctly, if you want that extra fate from passing first you may not want to waste time triggering the ability.

20 minutes ago, Shu2jack said:

Using the ability is not a given. If I understand the turn sequence correctly, if you want that extra fate from passing first you may not want to waste time triggering the ability.

Right. Especially if I'm out of Fate, or I already know that I want any remaining Fate for Conflict cards.

It's definitely a gambit. You have no way of knowing what you'll end up flipping, it may not be anything you can use at the moment (especially in 1-core format). If you have breathing room to use the action and have a card like Charge in hand, it may be worth using. But especially in conflicts, every action can count sometimes.

Thank you all for your input, you have quite convinced me to change my position on the card.

1 hour ago, Shu2jack said:

Using the ability is not a given. If I understand the turn sequence correctly, if you want that extra fate from passing first you may not want to waste time triggering the ability.

If your deck does not work because you need the fate from passing first in Dynasty, you might be playing it wrong.

Good input, @Gaffa . I especially liked how obtuse you were in your reading of the comment so you could make a harsh statement that is irrelevant to the topic of the thread. You're quite the master.

Now now, none of that. There will be no spilling the tea in this thread, lest dishonor falls upon you, your clan, and your cow.

Just jumping in here to note that the character's name is Daidoji Nerishma, not Nerishina. I know the font used on the cards can sometimes be a little hard to read (I still keep referring to the "Ninja Mystic" rather than the "Miya Mystic"), but in this case, the card's name is actually a tribute to a player who passed away, so I think it's important to make sure we get it right.

A good catch any my apologies. The font is a little hard to read. I'll change it.

40 minutes ago, player2636234 said:

Good input, @Gaffa .

I'm glad you appreciated it. Too many players seem far too fixated on passing first over doing what's best for the current board state. Sometimes 1 Fate is worth it. Other times it's not.

Edited by Gaffa
1 hour ago, Gaffa said:

If your deck does not work because you need the fate from passing first in Dynasty, you might be playing it wrong.

Not every decision is automatic.

Sometimes you are good with what is shown on your flop. The extra fate would be nice.

2 minutes ago, Gaffa said:

I'm glad you appreciated it. Too many players seem far too fixated on passing first over doing what's best for the current board state. Sometimes 1 Fate is worth it. Other times it's not.

I think you read too much into my original statement. More accurately, you read what you wanted to see.

4 minutes ago, Shu2jack said:

Not every decision is automatic.

Sometimes you are good with what is shown on your flop. The extra fate would be nice.

Yup, a very good point!

In regular play: I try to stick to using the ability till the last possible action window, usually the Regroup phase one, in order to improve the possible cards for next turn. Doing it earlier can sometimes result in a player targeting a particular province to get rid of one of your other uniques. I might switch this up if the I need to dig for answers/copies of unique cards or my opponent has passed and I don't like the other cards or they are unsuitable for the upcoming conflict phase.

I know that some might want to try and dig up a holding if they are playing several and haven't seen any yet. I tend to avoid it since I usually don't play very many in Crane and the chances of flipping that holding is small.

Yes, there's also the possibility of needing to flip a province to see if you can get a better personality for Charge! :rolleyes:

In 1x core play: Pretty much the same as regular play. That 1 fate can be a big deal so don't use the ability unless you have to.

Also, avoid flipping a card in a broken province face up for obvious reasons.

The little guy is useful for the development angle and he adds some needed military skill to a Crane deck. The question is how many? 3 is pretty nice since you don't mind seeing multiples and he's cheap. He's not much of a honor target but he's not really supposed to be. It still gives a boost so he has potential!