Question about 'Rally to the Cause'

By clanmccracken, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

This came up in my last game: Rally the cause says that when the province is revealed change the conflict type. Say that conflict resolves. Now your opponent wants to declare a second conflict. Which conflict are they locked out of: The conflict they originally declared, or the conflicted they ended up fighting?

I would think they would be locked out of what they originally declared, but I wasn't sure.

Under 3.2 of the RRG, page 20: "During the conflict phase, each player is granted one opportunity to declare a military conflict and one opportunity to declare a political conflict."

So, you can declare 1 military conflict and 1 political conflict each round.

It doesn't matter what conflicts resolve as, just what they were declared as.

So if you declare a military and it's Rallied to a political conflict, you still declared a military conflict so the only one you have left to declare is a political conflict.

Edited by Joe From Cincinnati

That is what I thought, but I wanted to make sure.