I have a question about the Transaction (83) action. If I'm reading correctly, the only time I can exchange commodities, trade goods and promissory notes is if I am a neighbor of the person I am exchanging with, unless I'm the Emirates of Hacan faction, OR if I'm conducting a transaction during the vote step of the agenda phase. I'm pretty sure I'm reading it correctly, but it came up in a recent game so figured I'd just bounce it off the community at large just to double check.
Also, in reference to 83., is the act of resolving transaction with neighbors an exclusive action or in addition to whatever a player wants to do? Can I complete a transaction with my neighbor and trade commodities with them in order to get some trade goods, before I then use a command token from my tactics pool to activate a system to produce or move units around? Or is completing the transaction with my neighbor to exchange commodities my action and then it's the next players' turn? I'm pretty sure it's not an exclusive action, but wanted to double check.