Gotta have 'em please support them all.

By Bibbles, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

--Coming to you live from my Soap box--

I really like this game and have bought everything including the extra characters for it. I am getting a little tired of what appears to be the assumption that players are not buying them all. Why are there no land battles in SoB? Why are there no dark and light altars, crushing walls, rolling rocks or any of the billion other great terrain pieces in the books. All the dungeons are the basics.

Honestly its not like they all have to be an Indiana Jones smorgasbord of traps and dungeon features but a few created for those dedicated players who bought all the sets to date would be nice. Seriously I think they makers could add 10 dungeon cards to each deck that were keyed to pages that assumed you had it all. Optional special rules for those players who have more money than brains and a heavy addiction to this game would be nice.

That being said please make the maps from different campaign worlds fit together and some small optional rule at the back to suggest how. We are geeks and we are gonna wanna try it anyways. It would work better if the roads off the right side of the map connected.

Stop telling me to take stuff out of my game so people with limited collections can play, tell them to take stuff out of their set because they do not yet have it all. This encourages them to buy it all and makes me feel as though the many boxes I bought were more worth my while. I get to explore dungeons with my players that others can only dream of.....or run out and shill out the same ammount of dosh that I did to get them ALL!!! I'm the game junkie that should be designed for not the dabblers!

Sorry its a pet peeve and now I shared it.

Descent players UNITE to form Obsessor ;)

I agree!

Future vanilla expansions should come with Dungeon/Rumour cards that can be used in RtL and SoB! [both crowds are served]

Future Quest Guides should (have some dungeons just using JitD yet more dungeons using JitD + Expansions) [both crowds are served]


There is a WoD treachery card that can be used in the campaign to add scything blades as a "sprung trap" with threat. Why not add them in for dart fields, crushing walls, and boulders? Ok, the mechanics required for crushing walls and boulders as a card might be a little odd to implement, but at least they could add the dart field.

Yah I think maybe my players are gonna get a taste of dart field.

A friend of mine and are a working on a campaign, map and all that is built that way. I might see if the FFG people would mind if we released it as a PDF.

Its just writing all the adventures that is keeping us slowed back.

wholeheartedly agree. I have piles upon piles of tiles (woah, rhymey) that go unused trhoughout the entire game. This is especially frustrating in RtL and SoB. I've taken to making my own adjustments to some of the levels or adding new dungeons just to get the full use out of it all. As it stands, there is about one (sometimes two) dungeons that use elements from each expansion, and none that use multiple expansion tiles.

I understand that making a majority of the dungeons that use expansions would be ridiculious, but never using those tiles save the occasional rumor is just frustrating to those of us who have wasted- *ahem*- wisely invested in all of the expansions.

In the meantime I find the editor provided on the website to be extremely useful for designing your own areas with the expansions in mind.

PS.- Bibbles, would be eager to see how the campaign turns out!

There already are WoD treachery cards for dart fields and boulders. The dart field one is highly situational and severely overpriced, and I believe the boulder one was specifically removed from RtL for balance reasons (and IMO it's unreasonably volatilehow effective it is depends heavily on minor, virtually random details that aren't important for anything else, and if you manage to get a good placement, you can get anything from an automatic TPK to no effect at all based on the boulder's movement roll).

There is some obvious support lacking in Sea of Blood.

Even though Tomb of Ice has been out for an age, and it has some wicked new monsters in it, there are no copper-silver-gold-diamond monster cards for them in Sea of Blood. Medusa and Shades are amongst the toughest baddies in the game but got no new or updated cards in SoB

The monster cards for Tomb of Ice are *in* Tomb of Ice, so why reprint them in Sea of Blood? If there were monster cards in WoD or AoD, they wouldn't have been printed in SoB either...


The 4th Man said: new or updated cards in SoB

Here's the key point you missed.

They have a Wurm in Tomb of Ice and they didn't think of updating it to give it Swim?

Shades would have interacted wonderfully with Ghost Ships too.

How do you know they didn't consider it and decided to /not/ alter the worm's abilities?


More than anything what I would like to see is a smaller expansion box, similar to the expansion decks for Runebound. Have them contain rumors, dungeons, ect that are keyed to having certain expansions. So you would buy a deck of cards that require JitD, RtL, and WoD for instance. Charge the same price as the Runebound decks and you have a winner. Plus the amount of testing for that would prolly be minimal so they could pop out multiple decks at once.

ProtoPersona said:

More than anything what I would like to see is a smaller expansion box, similar to the expansion decks for Runebound. Have them contain rumors, dungeons, ect that are keyed to having certain expansions. So you would buy a deck of cards that require JitD, RtL, and WoD for instance. Charge the same price as the Runebound decks and you have a winner. Plus the amount of testing for that would prolly be minimal so they could pop out multiple decks at once.

not that I don't support the idea, Rumors and Dungeon cards need a book to go along with them to map out the level. I'm not sure the little paper booklets that come with the runebound decks would do a map justice. They could do things like skills, treasures, Treachery overlord cards, etc, that need nothing to go along with them, though.

I could easily see a small deck with a more substantial booklet though, for the rumors and dungeons, realeased in a small box (like the warhammer character pack size). Something that size could also have more plots, avatars, Lts, pretty much anything.

ProtoPersona said:

Plus the amount of testing for that would prolly be minimal so they could pop out multiple decks at once.

In the sense that playtesting for all Descent products is apparently minimal, regardless of whether more playtesting is required or not, I'm sure you're correct.

I completely agree. I love the multitude of tiles and traps. Don't hold back FFG, just go wild. You will not get any complaints from me.


+1 to everything said above....fully agree!

They should do a poll to see how many players (online that is) would actually want an expansion that draws from all the others. Not everyone would get a chance to vote who plays the game, but it would be interesting to see the results. A vanilla Descent expansion that has quests that make use of some/all of the other components, as well as adds things to the campaigns...both RtL and SoB.

Isn't that what the Quest Compendium did? A bunch of quests that pulls from all expansions?


Bibbles said:

I really like this game and have bought everything including the extra characters for it. I am getting a little tired of what appears to be the assumption that players are not buying them all. Why are there no land battles in SoB? Why are there no dark and light altars, crushing walls, rolling rocks or any of the billion other great terrain pieces in the books. All the dungeons are the basics.


Stop telling me to take stuff out of my game so people with limited collections can play, tell them to take stuff out of their set because they do not yet have it all. This encourages them to buy it all and makes me feel as though the many boxes I bought were more worth my while. I get to explore dungeons with my players that others can only dream of.....or run out and shill out the same ammount of dosh that I did to get them ALL!!! I'm the game junkie that should be designed for not the dabblers!

I understand where you're coming from, as a fellow guy-who-has-bought-everything, but I also appreciate that FFG isn't the sort of company that would force you to buy everything in order to use anything. That's the kind of ****-move signature of faceless giants who only want to make money and don't care about actually entertaining the consumer. That fact that FFG continues to make expansions designed so that you only need the base game reassures me that they still care about their customers. ALL of their customers, big and little, rich and poor. Wherever I might personally fall on that spectrum, it pleases me that the company is considering all comers.

I suspect it's also more profitable for them in the long run this way. If I were a new customer looking at all the stuff for Descent and I realized "holy moly, I need to buy THREE expansions in order to have everything I need to use THIS one?!" Well, I'd probably just put it down and go look for something cheaper. Of course that's not me, but I can put myself in that person's shoes. The way it is, such customers need only buy what they really want, and once they have part of the collection they will likely feel compelled to save up for the rest (if my observation of the nature of most gamers is even partially valid.)

As far as making dungeons that include EVERYTHING, it was my understanding that that's what the Quest Compendium (Vol 1) was meant to be. I haven't actually bought that yet as news of it's many and horrible misprints has warned me off, but this is what I gather that it contained. Hopefully the failures of the first volume will not halt production on future volumes - as long as they learn from their first experience I'm sure Vol 2 will be a bestseller.

Edit: I see Shnar is on the same wavelength as I am =)

Lastly, more a footnote than anything, the maps for the extended campaigns are recycled from Runebound expansions, which, much like Descent expansions, were not designed to be used together. I fully expect that any future campaign expansions will follow suit (and I at least half expect to see a desert campaign using the Sands map yet to come.)

I also agree. I would love to see more quests that combine all of the expansion packs including RtL and SoB.

And this (quoted below) is an excellent idea. Many small expansions that come with cards and a reasonably sided booklet with quests. Tayloring each of these expansion for use with JitD and 'x' other expansions is an amazing idea to help FFG find a simple way to get this to us.

Great idea.

ProtoPersona said:

More than anything what I would like to see is a smaller expansion box, similar to the expansion decks for Runebound. Have them contain rumors, dungeons, ect that are keyed to having certain expansions. So you would buy a deck of cards that require JitD, RtL, and WoD for instance. Charge the same price as the Runebound decks and you have a winner. Plus the amount of testing for that would prolly be minimal so they could pop out multiple decks at once.

shnar said:

Isn't that what the Quest Compendium did? A bunch of quests that pulls from all expansions?



more Quest Compendiums, without any misprints/errors/clarifications....
maybe with a section for more dungeons for RtL and SoB.