Hey all,
I am returning to the LCG/CCG fold after stepping away from card games for a long time. Never played the original L5R, was too busy with Magic and Netrunner at the time, so I am new to this whole world. I am crash-coursing all the info I can grab on this game, and have settled on a clan allegiance (uh oh, Unicorn didn't do so great at Gen-Con!).
I am trying to get my bearings on where the information is coming from. I know I have seen the current Seeker/Keeper results from Gen-Con other places, but am I missing something here on FFG's site? I can't find them posted anywhere here. Are they just not posted yet, or are they tucked away someplace?
Hoping the scene takes off locally. I have a local brick and mortar doing a Launch Event, and they support a lot of other games, so with any luck there will be a good player pool!
Appreciate any help!