Current Seeker/Keeper Roles - Where?

By Jagdcarcajou, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Hey all,

I am returning to the LCG/CCG fold after stepping away from card games for a long time. Never played the original L5R, was too busy with Magic and Netrunner at the time, so I am new to this whole world. I am crash-coursing all the info I can grab on this game, and have settled on a clan allegiance (uh oh, Unicorn didn't do so great at Gen-Con!).

I am trying to get my bearings on where the information is coming from. I know I have seen the current Seeker/Keeper results from Gen-Con other places, but am I missing something here on FFG's site? I can't find them posted anywhere here. Are they just not posted yet, or are they tucked away someplace?

Hoping the scene takes off locally. I have a local brick and mortar doing a Launch Event, and they support a lot of other games, so with any luck there will be a good player pool!

Appreciate any help!

I'm sure we'll see a dedicated Roles page on launch. At the launch event the roles are not enforced, you can pick what you want. The only time we know it will be enforced so far is actually at Winter Court.

Ok, thanks for the reply!

I use this reference from gamepedia to see the official roles list as they are assigned now

19 hours ago, Jagdcarcajou said:

(uh oh, Unicorn didn't do so great at Gen-Con!).

Fear not: the Unicorn don't seem to be built for out-of-box play (the Gen Con tournaments were each restricted to 1x Core builds), which may or may not be why the story focus was placed on them - after all, it would have been rather anticlimactic for the Unicorn to have had a major showing and then all agreed to not decide that the Emperor outlaw the magic of their own clan. ?