Hello everyone!
I'm happy to announce the L5R Disco League, a monthly competitive league for L5R players! The league will run from September 1st to September 29th with a top cut tournament the 30th! Interested in playing? You can sign up
via Challonge here
and keep reading below for full details!
This is the beta iteration of our monthly online L5R league! This month we will have 6 rounds of Swiss. Each round will have 1 week to report, starting on September 1st. After the Swiss rounds we'll have a cut to top 16.
3-core, Swiss (6 Rounds into a top 16 cut)
Using Assigned Clan Roles
You may change your deck between Swiss rounds! However, the following things must remain the same:
Stronghold, Role, Splash
Registration will be open until 23:59 PST Tuesday, August 29th.
Playing Games
For the beta season all games will be played via Tabletop Simulator (TTS). In future seasons Ringteki will be the platform of choice. In the event that Ringteki is ready before this season ends it will be considered a valid mode of play.
Coordinating Rounds
Challonge has a private messaging feature. Please use this, the discord, or email to contact your opponent and establish a match time. Matches must be reported by 00:00 every Wednesday (so Tuesday night)
Tie Breakers
1. Match Wins
2. Strength of Schedule
3. Extended Strength of Schedule
Please report every game played to an administrator (Reiga, InsanityRises) via Google Form, links will be provided each round on the Discord and on the Discussion Board in Challonge.
Participants will have until end of day Tuesday (23:59 Pacific Time) every week to report the outcome (simply W or L), administrators will attempt to contact any unreported pairings by Wednesday and every Thursday (12:00) new pairings will be posted.
Any pairing unreported by end of day Wednesday (17:00) will result in a double loss.
Round Time
The Swiss rounds are untimed. Each game should go to completion, across multiple sessions if necessary.
In the event of rules questions please refer to the #lcg_rules channel on the L5R discord. Myself and Khift will be judges for this event, feel free to ping one of us on discord as well.
Legal Cards
Only cards from the Core Set will be legal this season, no preview cards will be permitted despite the fact they exist in the TTS mod. Use of an illegal card will result in a round loss.
Forfeiting Rounds
Players will forfeit a round if any of the following occur
1. Players fail to coordinate with their opponents, resulting in no match occurring
2. Players do not arrive to the agreed upon match time within a 15 minute grace period
3. Players use illegal cards in their deck
4. Players disconnect mid-game and refuse to load the latest auto-save to resume the match
5. Players lie, cheat, or generally act maliciously toward their opponent, players will be disqualified from the league and tournament for repeat offenses.
1. Players who fail to submit a round will be disqualified.
2. Players who lie, cheat, or act maliciously as in #5 above will be disqualified from the league
Video Recording and Disputes
It is highly recommended that participants record their matches in the event that disputes arise. Additionally, the Tournament Organizer may request footage for weekly league recaps.
Voice Chat
Voice chat is not a requirement in this league, players will determine the best mode of communication between themselves (text only, voice only, or a mix)
Top Cut
After 6 rounds of Swiss we will cut to the Top 8 and host a tournament on October 21st.
The top cut tournament will be a live single elimination event, likely with 75 minute rounds in a best of one format.
More info to come.
In the beta season there will be no prizes given out, other than bragging rights, as we streamline the tournament format. Future seasons are planned to have limited prize support.
Feedback is welcomed, especially in this beta season. If you have an idea for future seasons or how to streamline rules or logistics of the tournament please feel free to send them to me via Discord or your social media platform of choice.
Helpful Links
How to Play L5R
How to Set Up Tabletop Simulator for L5R
OBS Studio (Audio/Video Recorder)
Discord Instructions
For those unfamiliar with the platform, DIscord is "a modern voice & text chat app" that has both a web client as well as a desktop application and it is where we will be coordinating for this league.
To join the L5R discord simply click on the link above (in the Helpful Links section) and create an account.
Once you have that all squared away you'll be in the #l5_general channel.
Type "!clan lcgplayer" to join the LCG Player role, which will open access to our tournament channel
Navigate to the #discord-league channel on the left-hand pane of your application
Say hi!
If you have any questions feel free to post them there by mentioning me @Reiga or my co-TO @InsanityRises