Rule book loop hole or my public education is at work.

By MadMonkZero, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Hey Folks,

So I finally got my hands on a copy of the rule book and it talking to my friends we ran into a bit of a snag in either the explanation or our understanding.

There is no clear indication of "when" you can play conflict cards. Of course if they indicate in what phase they can be played that is obvious. But when do you add weapons, conditions etc?

Part of my confusion could be from being a previous L5R player and having an action phase prior to declaring an attack, and that was the only time we could attach things to folks or put thing into play from our hands. Once you declared an attack that signaled you were all done.

Also, I read in the rules that decks need to be clan specific or neutral. There are not enough cards to do this. I watched a vid of tournaments at gencon 50 and someone used the word "splash" when talking about a lion deck with some dragon cards?

And do you HAVE to put the clan province card on the stronghold?

If someone could clarify either of these and set me straight I would appreciate it.

Edited by MadMonkZero

I'm pretty sure you can't play attachments during the dynasty phase, but you can play event and use actions as long as they don't specify 'during a conflict' or 'during the conflict phase' or something like that. Attachments can be played both during conflicts and during the action window that occurs before and after conflicts.

'Splash' is jargon for using influence to include non-neutral out of Clan conflict cards. So a Lion deck that is using influence for Dragon cards is said to be splashing Dragon or Lion with Dragon splash.

Longer response:
Welcome, and it's going to take some time to unlearn what you know from the CCG (I know, I've been through it ;) )

I'll dig through the two documents to find the sections on when cards can be played, just so you have a reference point.
But as per shineyorkboy's answer, you can play Events or Attachments during all Action Windows, except the Dynasty Phase (which has a defined list of what actions can be taken).
Unlike the CCG, there are Action Windows before AND during each conflict.

For "splashing", check out the section on Influence (page 18 of the Learn to Play rule book)

Your clan province card?
You don't even need to have it in your deck.
But if you do, it can go in any province slot.

Page 18 of the Rules Reference has the Framework (the timing steps of the game).

I bow to the benevolence of you both for answering these riddles, these are perfect.

Was that a yoda quote for L5R from a Scorpion? Just when you thought you had seen it all, my life is now complete. :-)

Edited by MadMonkZero