For those of you who don't go to the X-Wing subforum, a dedicated band of players there has been petitioning for the inclusion of Assault Gunboats in the game for years (the main thread for it was started in June 2014). Plenty of nay-sayers said it would never happen. Even many of the Gunboat fans had started viewing it as more of a joke or meme than as any real movement for inclusion.
Just this past Monday, however, FFG announced that Wave XII will feature Star Wings, including their Assault Gunboat configurations! FFG gave the fans what they had wanted for so long!
For my fellow Mantis players, and for anyone else who supports a clan not currently in the game, this is fantastic news! It may take a few months or a few years, and it may not be precisely the same as we anticipated, but this gives me hope that FFG will not simply ignore or forget about sizeable portions of the player-base!