I have a question regarding rules about extinguishing the fire with water buckets
The rules read like this:
E ach time a hero enters a wate r space, he ma y pick up
1 bucket of water. If he doe s, place 1 blue objective
token on hi s H ero sheet. Each hero ca nn o t carry more
of water.
Each time a hero carrying a bucket of wa ter suffers 1 or
Mor e dam, he tests strength or awareness. If he fail s, he drops t he bucket
of wa t e r and place s the blu e objec ti v e t oken back near
the River .
As an action, a hero that is carrying a bucket of water
while on th e Cabin or House may dou se the flame.
If he does and the associa t ed red objective tokens are
faceup, flip them facedown; if the red objective t okens
a re already facedown, dis ca rd them instead. For each
objective token discarded in this way, the heroe s place 1
villager token in their pl ay area (see "Victory") .
Now does that mean you can only use the bucket to douse the flames once or several times?
It isn't really stated in the text above. But I would think that the bucket is empty after one use.