I've an idea for an alternative conflict rules, and I like to hear your thought.
The current system is, in my opinion, bad design. The core idea is good, but the application is not. Long story short, the player is no encouraged to "struggle" with conflict, the Master must do all the work to make situazion conflict-worth and in a mixed group that's not always easy to do. In other rule system (Fate, Numenera) you can get a bonus (Fate point, Xp) by putting your pg in trouble. Here, you can take a malus (little, ok) for choosing the easy way.
So, we have a punitive system. Ok, is a very light punisment, but still. I'd prefer a rewarding system, with the player that actively try to create conflict situation.
So, my ideas:
Each session you start with 3/5 conflict token.
Every time you use a black pip on force dice you take a conflict token and strain as usual, but you do not flip a destiny point.
The player can, if situation arise, give up a conflict token, to create a situation conflict worth. For example, the party is fleeing from a trooper squad, the player can give up a conflict point saying "while running I see that the trooper start firing, hitting innocent people. This is inacceptable, and I stand my ground to protect those poor souls". Of course the Master have the last word is something is worth a conflict token. If is worth, but for some reason the Master wish not to go with the scene, he can flip a destiny point to negate the change.
Likewise, if the Master wish, can offer a player to lose one of more conflict point taking a difficult, but more moral route, and the player can flip a destiny point to negate this.
As usual, act the player can take conflict token with his actions, or, if he does something really good can lose some.
At the end of the session you roll a D10 e subtract the total of conflict token, adjusting your balance accordingly.
Pro (at least seems to me )
Player should actively create situation conflict worth, easing the master's work.
Since you can lose conflict token you can use a little more freely the dark pip on the force dice.
If you do nothing conflict worth in a session your total will probably remain more or less the same.
Thank you for reading, let me know!