Height of Fashion

By suburbaknght, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I tried searching the forums without success. The card says it cannot be played during conflicts but when else could it be played? I checked the Learn to Play book and I can't find any other phases during which one can play cards from one's hand. On the Crane Forum someone said it can be played during the Conflict Phase before conflicts are declared but again, I can't find a source that says you can play cards outside of a conflict.

You can't play it mid-conflict. However, there is an action window in the conflict phase before every conflict is declared. That is when you would play Height of Fashion.

The Rules Reference has a clearer explanation of the timing breakdown.
Check out pages 18 - 22.

Found it in the rules reference. Thanks! Wish they'd had that in the Learn to Play.

6 hours ago, suburbaknght said:

Found it in the rules reference. Thanks! Wish they'd had that in the Learn to Play.

Them using different language for the rules between the L2P and RR is my chief complaint about the way the rulebooks are written. I don't mean dumbing things down in the L2P for brevity's sake, but actually different language between the rules, causing different interpretations.

Obviously the RR trumps the L2P, but it's frustrating to learn the game with the wrong rules.