Preview for first Dynasty pack is up! - Tears of Amaterasu

By Matrim, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game


It took crab ONE expansion for them to fail to stop a goblin from getting in. Good run this time, I think that's a record! ;)


I want to see the goblin and how they choose to handle if you lose honor or not.

7 minutes ago, Teslacrashed said:

Not a fan of cards with Keeper/Seeker restrictions. Everything else looks great.

I, personally, really like the concept. It allows for organized play winners/champions to continually impact the meta of the card game itself and not simply story. Simultaneously it gives FFG some control over what's introduced into the game, rather than say...letting winners invent new cards from whole cloth.

Also, as others have mentioned, the conflict cards at least aren't actually removed from the environment. Because even if say Crab are a Keeper role and can't use their Seeker cards, other clans that are Seekers (and there always will be at least 2) can still splash those cards. So far the only dynasty cards we've seen tied to the roles are neutral cards, so it's not like you're losing clan-specific access there (not yet, anyway).

15 minutes ago, Koriume said:

If they are maknig you play Scorpion with the glimpse of Kaede, what will happen when (probably in this very cicle) they show Kachiko?

I've been struggling with wanting to play Scorpion regardless. Luckily, since it's no longer a game of chase rares I'll have no issues dabbling. :)

I think the non-neutral Seeker/Keeper cards are an awesome idea. Will mean card pools rotate regularly without the need for introducing new sets.

It also forces players to think about the role a lot harder when it comes to wining the large tourneys.

Now I want to know when the next fiction(s) are coming :)

2 minutes ago, SHARKOSAURUS said:

I've been struggling with wanting to play Scorpion regardless. Luckily, since it's no longer a game of chase rares I'll have no issues dabbling. :)

Shiba and Bayushi WERE twins after all... ;)

There is technically no guarantee goblins are inherently shadowlands creatures this time around. There could be a large contingent of non-tainted goblins making a ruckus anywhere there's mountains. Just sayin.

@Darguth the problem is it creates divides within the clans. Even if, for example, Crab's Keeper card is obviously better and most people agree that Crab should go Keeper, there will still be Seeker Fans who prefer the Seeker card... not to mention the resentment people might feel if Keeper is better in the current metagame, but Seeker ended up being better in the post-tournament metagame. By nature of creating a divide, it encourages hostility between people with different styles and ways of thinking, and it's not healthy for the community.

Edited by player2636234

I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet.

Karada District is one of the 16 districts of Otosan Uchi. It's one of the Crab-run ones, in the inner city, and basically a giant marketplace.

1 minute ago, player2636234 said:

There is technically no guarantee goblins are inherently shadowlands creatures this time around. There could be a large contingent of non-tainted goblins making a ruckus anywhere there's mountains. Just sayin.

@Darguth the problem is it creates divides within the clans. Even if, for example, Crab's Keeper card is obviously better and most people agree that Crab should go Keeper, there will still be Seeker Fans who prefer the Seeker card... not to mention the resentment people might feel if Keeper is better in the current metagame, but Seeker ended up being better in the post-tournament metagame. By nature of creating a divide, it encourages hostility between people with different styles and ways of thinking, and it's not healthy for the community.

No more so than any other type of choice that impacts the actual state of the card game. Subjective opinion will always differ. The only way to resolve that would be to never allow players to affect the state of the cards directly. Which is a valid idea, but obviously not what's going to happen. And I think there's a fairly large contingent of players that would be similarly upset if that concept was removed from this incarnation of the game.

TL;DR - You can't please all people all of the time, don't try.

5 minutes ago, TheItsyBitsySpider said:

Shiba and Bayushi WERE twins after all... ;)

That's the attitude! :D

@Darguth the difference here is that the division is much broader in scope. We're now considering entire playstyles for a faction being locked away behind the "non-canon" role. It's a huge hit to clan loyalty if your favorite Crab deck literally can't be played anymore because the top player decided (rightly or otherwise) that the opposite role was more tournament viable. When it was a few neutrals and small deckbuilding decisions, being forced into one or the other still gives a lot of room to breathe, but we're already seeing certain roles being pushed. The Kitsuki that was spoiled has synergy with Seeker, for example. Not only does it allow you to use flip effects again, but it also gives you the reveal fate for the Seeker role. If that combo becomes a powerful staple of the Dragon, the rest of the deck is being built around this one courtier and certain provinces. It's just an example, but it demonstrates that the seeker/keeper divide can paradoxically make deck building less diverse.

Further, the most important thing the preview tells me, is that we're gonna be stuck with Keeper/Seeker for a while. I really was hoping that we would see new role cards in the near future, if not replacing Keeper/Seeker, then alongside them. Doubling down on Keeper Only and Seeker Only makes that less and less viable.

Most people don't play tournaments? Most games won't be tournament related? Keeper/Seeker cards don't seem a problem from a non-tournament (or non-tournament prep) point of view. From a casual point of view, I see zero issues.

22 minutes ago, Bayushi Kec said:

But i must say, it seems first Dynasty pack is getting released really soon, i wouldnt mind waiting a month or two more for it and playing only core set ?


I actually like it this way. the 3 months lull after an LCG core set is released has always bugged me.

2 minutes ago, Wintersong said:

Most people don't play tournaments? Most games won't be tournament related? Keeper/Seeker cards don't seem a problem from a non-tournament (or non-tournament prep) point of view. From a casual point of view, I see zero issues.

From a casual perspective almost nothing is a problem. In XWing we had Paratani tearing up tournaments and people used the same argument. LCGs are competitive games and are designed for a competitive environment. So we should probably judge it by that.

2 minutes ago, Ignithas said:

From a casual perspective almost nothing is a problem. In XWing we had Paratani tearing up tournaments and people used the same argument. LCGs are competitive games and are designed for a competitive environment. So we should probably judge it by that.

Keeper/Seeker Roles will shake up the Meta every year. Great for a competitve environmemt!

30 minutes ago, Bayushi Kec said:

Not sure how will this Seeker/Keeper work, i'm just gonna ignore it for a while.

But i must say, it seems first Dynasty pack is getting released really soon, i wouldnt mind waiting a month or two more for it and playing only core set ?

FFG typically does these preview announcements anywhere between 3-6 months in advance. I wouldn't really expect the first pack until at or after Worlds. The Core Set doesn't officially release until October anyway so the earliest one could expect the first Dynasty pack to drop would be November.

53 minutes ago, player2636234 said:

Oof. Adding seeker/keeper clan cards I feel is a mistake.

I think it is fine, remember it only restricts competitive, and in the competitive scope, it helps to make decisions more meaningful.

42 minutes ago, Teslacrashed said:

Not a fan of cards with Keeper/Seeker restrictions. Everything else looks great.

Helps make the roles be more impactful to play, which incorporates it more.

32 minutes ago, franzvong said:

May I ask why? I think it's a very simple way to (slightly) change the meta around the organized play decisions, and make such decision much more interesting and relevant.

Especially since meta changes are pretty slow in LCGs, it will be a nice breath of fresh air as they change roles.

31 minutes ago, TheItsyBitsySpider said:


It took crab ONE expansion for them to fail to stop a goblin from getting in. Good run this time, I think that's a record! ;)


I want to see the goblin and how they choose to handle if you lose honor or not.

2 cost for a 1/- hope they have a good effect.

12 minutes ago, Wintersong said:

Most people don't play tournaments? Most games won't be tournament related? Keeper/Seeker cards don't seem a problem from a non-tournament (or non-tournament prep) point of view. From a casual point of view, I see zero issues.

This exactly.

8 minutes ago, feydruatha said:

I actually like it this way. the 3 months lull after an LCG core set is released has always bugged me.

Yes please, I got very frustrated in the Arkham delays that drug out for so long.

I love the cranes new card, really will help with the over card draw stuff.

Strange that the story excerpt is not attributed to Katrina Ostrander. I've gotten so used to all FFG's Thrones excerpts being specifically attributed to GRRM that this was a little jarring for me.

Isawa Kaede looks great, but I'm a bit leery of running two 5 cost characters. That's going to require some consideration.

If we look at the number of those cards and in case the card order is the same as the core set, we can deduce some things:

- There won't be any Dynasty Scorpion card since Kaede is 9 and the Magistrate is 10. The Scorpion could have 2 Conflict cards or maybe 1 Conflict and 1 Province.

- Since there will be 2 neutral provinces and the Crab holding is 4, there will a be clan-specific province (maybe Scorpion due to previous point) or another Dynasty card for the Crab.

- There will be 2 Dynasty cards for either the Dragon, the Lion or the Phoenix since Yaruma is 6 and Kaede is 9.

We can see that FFG has no intention to follow a 1 Dynasty / 1 Conflict per clan plan, with the remaining 6 as neutral or (balanced on the whole cycle) bonus for some clans for their dynasty packs.

So crab can now buy attachments out from under people. Already one of my favorite crab sub themes is making a showing.

also I am on the pro-roll cards side. It makes the decision of roll a lot more meaningful then just "do I want more influence or another province of x ring?"

Aside from Kaede and the Crane card, everything is pretty underwhelming. The Lion card feels more like it fits in dragon, the crab holding doesn't really fit well into the sacrifice deck and it's limiting to only 1 per deck, the Scorpion card doesn't have enough Shinobi to make it work well right now, and the magistrate is missing cavalry. I don't why it's called Swift Magistrate either although maybe it was a conflict character at some point.

1 hour ago, TheItsyBitsySpider said:


It took crab ONE expansion for them to fail to stop a goblin from getting in. Good run this time, I think that's a record! ;)


I want to see the goblin and how they choose to handle if you lose honor or not.

Pokku Pokku Pokku Pokku

1 hour ago, player2636234 said:

Oof. Adding seeker/keeper clan cards I feel is a mistake.

I like the idea of clan specific keeper / seeker cards. The only reason I would see it as a bad thing is the immediate loss of a card from a set - but once it is out, and other cards come out, it gives the players an experience that fluctuates more each year as roles change. It also lets the designers build in cards that are more powerful, but cannot work together (it would be impossible for a seeker and keeper card to be in the same deck) so they can avoid horrible combos.

I'm glad to see this - one of the things I was worried about was the long LCG rotation. It will be a LONG time before any cards are "dead" in play. The roles rotating, and the tactics the clans can employ being partly tied to this means we might see the multiple facets of the clan's faces represented in a way that gives an optimal deck for either depending on the choice made at Winters Court.

1 hour ago, TheItsyBitsySpider said:


It took crab ONE expansion for them to fail to stop a goblin from getting in. Good run this time, I think that's a record! ;)


I want to see the goblin and how they choose to handle if you lose honor or not.

As I recall... Goblins are not inherently tainted. There is a Goblin City in the Shadowlands that has no signs of the taint. The Crab use Goblins as manual labor within the Empire.

1 hour ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet.

Karada District is one of the 16 districts of Otosan Uchi. It's one of the Crab-run ones, in the inner city, and basically a giant marketplace.

That is a decent justification for it being a 1 copy per deck limit. I hate 1 copy per deck limit, but if it is such a place then it makes sense. Ironically I'm reading through the Otosan Uchi districts in prep for an RPG and hadn't gotten to this one yet, now I have something to look forward to lol.

Edited by shosuko
1 hour ago, Usaretama said:

Well, unplayable for Lion, but if you're splashing Lion in Phoenix or Scorpion you'll... Hm.

I mean, you can use it there, but I don't know if it would be worth the influence. Basically the only thing I can think of is splashing Honored Blades as well and using it to run for an honor victory as Phoenix. The extra honor might also be helpful in Scorpion, but I feel like you have better things to be doing.

I agree that you could splash it, but its funny that lion gets a dead card in competitive play (for the time being).

You don't have to use it on a Lion attachment. There are other attachments in the game! Get back a kimono, get back your mask, get back an ornate fan or blade. I think the strength of the card is that you recover an attachment from your discard and for free (as applicable), not as the reaction. However, bushi only makes it a good bit weaker in my mind.

1 hour ago, franzvong said:

May I ask why? I think it's a very simple way to (slightly) change the meta around the organized play decisions, and make such decision much more interesting and relevant.

It feels weird for balancing meta in general, as well as how is this suppose to work for casual play? I just need to see it in action, but the fact I can't use certain cards for MY clan because some tournament winner didn't choose a role is strange.