I have a realm of battle board I use for my wargames, my question is what effect on gameplay will the extra width of a 4x6 board have? I don't really want to get another board to play wargames on but if a 4x6 board is game breaking in some way I will.
Will a 4x6 board effect gameplay negatively?
I'm sure it's fine. I'll be using a 6x4 FAT mat. You can always limit the deployment area. I also have no problem putting cards on unoccupied parts of a 6x4 play area and moving them if needed. The 6x3 feels narrow to me. I think the biggest challenge with larger play area is making sure you have a lot of terrain.
Only thing you may want to do on a 4x6 board is increase the size of the deployment zones a bit, or you may not
But it won't break anything by having that extra 6" per side.
2 hours ago, Stevox said:I have a realm of battle board I use for my wargames, my question is what effect on gameplay will the extra width of a 4x6 board have? I don't really want to get another board to play wargames on but if a 4x6 board is game breaking in some way I will.
The game is meant to be played on a 6x4, with six inches per long edge set aside for cards. It's the same way Armada works.
Just mark off (with tokens or something) 6 inches in, no biggie.
On a 6x4 board a slow "Old Man Anakin" need 1-2 Rounds (of just 6 rounds) more to get into the action. #sizematters
7 minutes ago, svelok said:The game is meant to be played on a 6x4, with six inches per long edge set aside for cards. It's the same way Armada works.
The OP is asking if it will cause issues if he uses a 4x6 play field.
But as you said, if that is an issue just mark off 6 inches per side and it will be fine.
on the demo I thought the battlefield was 4X3 to me.
Just now, Giulio said:on the demo I thought the battlefield was 4X3 to me.
The Demo is played on a 3x3 board, due to there only being about half an army in the core set. Plus they can fit more demo tables into the space they have that way. They did the same thing when they demoed Armada.
1 minute ago, Giulio said:on the demo I thought the battlefield was 4X3 to me.
That was mostly due to lack of space. In the videos they state the game is meant to be played 6x3
Another reason they'll go with 3x6 is because they already have a 3x3 grassy mat for Runewars, and then they can sell that to Legion players.
To be honest, the main reason i love 3x6 is because it's a size that actually fits on a dining room table. Needs to be a long one, but very few are 4 feet wide.
Edited by Zeelobby
Thanks for the info, I think I'll try the leave 6" on either side open for cards and dice idea and see how that works. Legion looks great I can't wait to play this game.
4 minutes ago, Stevox said:Thanks for the info, I think I'll try the leave 6" on either side open for cards and dice idea and see how that works.
It really does make the game easier to play.
I honestly doubt things like weapon ranges and movement distances are so finelybbalanced that adding a foot to the short end of the play area will break the game.
1 hour ago, Giulio said:on the demo I thought the battlefield was 4X3 to me.
I'm pretty sure the GenCon demo tables were no more than 3x3, but closer to 2.5x2.5 wouldn't surprise me. I was running the Tattooine table on Saturday and when we would extend the range ruler to 2' for the AT-RT laser cannon, I feel like there was less than a foot left of table, but I didn't actually measure it.
1 hour ago, VanorDM said:The Demo is played on a 3x3 board, due to there only being about half an army in the core set. Plus they can fit more demo tables into the space they have that way. They did the same thing when they demoed Armada.
As someone that very vividly remembers demoing Armada the first year at GenCon, they had 6x3 tables set up. However, each half of those had 1 core set set up on it. They were run together, with a single person running each ship. So 6 people per table.
And the game is barely getting announced. Nothing preventing FFG adding an extra foot of width in an expansion down the road.
I suspect I'll run 5x3 for casual games. It's more of a gut feeling at the moment based on the maximum range of that measuring stick in the videos.
3 hours ago, Guest WBrawn said:I suspect I'll run 5x3 for casual games. It's more of a gut feeling at the moment based on the maximum range of that measuring stick in the videos.
Maximum range of any weapon in the demos was 2 feet long. Most weapons, however, shot 18 inches. The ruler can be extended in 6 inch segments continually.