I was able to acquire 2 cores from Gencon, and I'm really glad because no one else around me (that I know of) was able to get any, so this lets me play with some of my friends. For this reason, and because the launch tournament is 1 core decks, I'm looking at what I can do with it. The options are kinda limited but there is some flexibility.
You'll typically have all of your clan cards and all but 4 neutral cards (2 of either seeker / keeper depending on which role you lack, and 2 other neutral cards.) Because Scorpion took Seeker of Air, and the *Seeker Initiate is an absolutely horrid card... I'm on the fence as to weather I include it or just go 3x wandering ronin, it doesn't matter as I wouldn't buy either unless I was forced to... What neutral cards are you excluding in your decks? There aren't a lot of options lol
For the Conflict there is a bit more flexibility as you can add another faction's cards in. I've been playing Scorpion + Crab with Reprieve, Hiruma Ambusher, Rebuild, Watch Commander, and The Mountain Does Not Fall. For Neutral cards I decided to focus on free ones, because drawing a bunch of cards is worthless if you can't afford to play them. Assassination, Banzai, Cloud the Mind, Court Games, Fine Katana, For Shame, Ornate Fan, and Spies at Court are what I put in (Cloud the Mind is my 1x.) After playing this, I think Spies at Court might be one to dump for either Rout or Outwit. I am cautious of these for the potential to give my opponent an unbowed character at home, even if I take the province this could let them take one of mine, and I have to pay a fate to buy the trade... At the same time Spies at Court was not always a good play with the dishonor cost. My buddy mentioned to me that rout and outwit are grand for a finally attack on the stronghold though, so I think I'll make the switch for one of them, not sure which yet.
For provinces I used Entrenched Position under my Stronghold, and then used Secret Cache, Fertile Fields, Shameful Display, and Meditations on the Tao. My reasoning for this was to have multiple-use provinces which favor my decision to not trade via rout or outwit, but rather to drag the game out through repeated conflicts that defend provinces, even if they win rings. Secret Cache and Fertile Fields are super good with such a cheap conflict deck. Secret Cache is golden, the extra card picked from the top 5 is a major power swing. Fertile Fields is great because my deck is so cheap, but my deck is so cheap partly because I'm building on just the core. In a full deck Manicured Garden might be better. Meditations on the Tao was chosen over Night Raid because most games aren't swarming with characters, and I wouldn't expect a player who is swarming with characters to rush into a province blind unless it was the stronghold. Letting my opponent discard 1 card by choice on first reveal feels a bit paltry compared to sapping away 1 fate from an attacker which repeats each conflict / turn. Shameful Display is just so much win for Scorpion, I think that choice is obvious. Neither Air province is on my stronghold. I think Secret Cache could be a great stronghold defender as the card you gain from it is very powerful, but I decided the ultimate MIL defense might be more important if it came to that, while the Secret Cache is a great way to turn the tides before provinces sink. This does mean my opponent could try to play around it, but with all of my provinces being repeatable abilities they'll have to choose something lol
I decided to use the seeker role to ditch a water province. Both water aren't very appealing to me, they are both only on first reveal, and they can both bite back. You might not want to switch the ring, and you might not want to switch the conflict type. I lost a conflict pretty bad playing with the "suggested 1 core" deck and my opponent got 2 MIL conflicts trashing me. When the roles change, I'll probably take the ring swap as it has the least potential to totally screw me, and might effect my opponent's motivation to win that conflict at all if they don't see a path to breaking it. Either one is a weakness in a deck that would drag out conflicts rather than trade provinces since its an easy target once its popped.
So what are you doing with the 1 core? Or are you even playing it? I can't wait to get a 3rd core so I don't have to stoop so low, playing 1 core is kinda annoying. The Conflict deck is okay, not reliable but not bad. The Dynasty is where you really suffer. Getting a Wandering Ronin or Seeker Initiate is bad bad news. Miya Mystic is situational at best, and with mono no aware the removal is not nearly as important. The seppun cards are .. eh.. they aren't as bad as Wandering Ronin or Seeker Initiate but they aren't as great as any of the clan characters. I feel the luck of the Dynasty flop has been a major factor the games I've played using just 1 core set.
*I don't really think Seeker Initiate is absolutely horrible. The ability is great! But you have to over spend 2 fate for 1/1 stats and then win the specific ring that may not be a good ring choice at the time. It just puts you so far behind to get that ability that I question its value. In a fully constructed deck it might not be so bad - because I would have 3x Sinister Soshi, 3x fiery Madness, 3x Ambush, ect that might offset the cost of going 2 for a 1/1. As a note - if your opponent discards a Seeker Initiate using a Shosuro Actress to copy it and go for the ring would be a smart play!
Edited by shosuko