I have one question.When a marine with sentry bot opens airlock this will close after his turn?
Sentry bots
Hm, any reason why it shouldn't?
"Activated sentry bots take their turn each round immediately after the marine that is controlling them ends his turn" (pg. 5) - so they take a full-fledged turn, not some kind of marine sub-turn.
"Open airlocks automatically close at the end of any turn in which they were opened" (pg. 5 as well) - so any turn will not keep them open, not just some kinds.
Thanks.But this mean that there is no way to move sentry bot through airlock.
That does seem to be what the rules imply by using the term "turn", however, I do not see how any invader figure could ever be crushed in an airlock door if this was the case because he would not have been able to move there in time.
I therefore presumed it meant that the airlock door closes after the "round" is over - so the sentry bot could move through on his turn after the marine has opened it and the invader could move his figures through it, or stand in its open space for an attack, then after the invaders turn the doors will close and any figure still in the space gets fragged/killed by the door closing. Next round the marine could open the door again etc.
Or am I wrong?
I think that it is better to treat sentry's turn as marine subturn.So marine opens the airlock enters the room than sentry takes it's turn and also enters the room than marine's turn end and airlock closes.
That's what we do, we treat the sentry's turn as part of the marine's turn. So in my group the airlocks will stay open until one finishes moving the sentry
Sounds like a really useful house rule that makes a lot of sense...
Still, by strict reading of the rules it must be a house rule, right?
I'm not too sure if the game intended it to close before the sentry's turn or after. We just made it after since the sentry is a marine's weapon and so counts as part of the marine's turn.
TiannaStarfall said:
That does seem to be what the rules imply by using the term "turn", however, I do not see how any invader figure could ever be crushed in an airlock door if this was the case because he would not have been able to move there in time.
I therefore presumed it meant that the airlock door closes after the "round" is over - so the sentry bot could move through on his turn after the marine has opened it and the invader could move his figures through it, or stand in its open space for an attack, then after the invaders turn the doors will close and any figure still in the space gets fragged/killed by the door closing. Next round the marine could open the door again etc.
Or am I wrong?
A marine can move an invader into an airlock with knockback before it closes, so it's possible even if it really means "turn". However, I also think "round" is meant rather than "turn", but I'm not sure.
BTW, is there a scenario including both airlocks and sentry bots?