3 hours ago, DesignXception said:As an owner of Runewars Miniature game and someone who believes that it has a fantastic ruleset, I have to admit that it is not looking too promising for a lucrative future for Runewars. Based on my observations, the game struggled out of the gate for reasons such as a generic fantasy setting with no established lore or hook to get people to initially buy in. Unfortunately, no amount of lore matters if no one is really interested in that lore. There were a lot a fence sitters waiting to see what happens to the game in terms of factions. Then 40k 8 th edition was launched and some of those fence sitters jumped on that band wagon and bought into that. Now there is no interest in Runewars in my area at all. Stock is sitting on my local store’s shelf not moving and no one is playing it. 40k and X-wing dominate the miniature scene here with some AoS and Armada sprinkled in. However, the news of Legion has everyone excited because it’s a Star Wars miniatures game. I expect Legion is going to do very well in my area as it will in other places. While there are other obvious signs that Runewars is not doing well such as lack of any real social media coverage such as battle reports, dedicated websites, podcasts, or even significant forum chatter, the bottom line for FFG will be profit and is Runewars as a product line turning enough profit to warrant devoting significant design and manufacturing resources to it which there is only a finite supply. Of course FFG is not going to announce that Runewars is not selling well and cause panic. As a business they have product they want to sell to recover costs. They have never announced the discontinuation of support for a product line outside of losing an IP license (ex. the Warhammer license)….it just happens and people figure it out after a while when there is no new product announcements. At Gen Con they stated there is more to come but didn’t reveal anything that hasn’t been revealed already. This is probably indicative of them still assessing the market for Runewars and not comfortable to committing to future product releases at this time by exposing any more details. Its only solid business practice any business would employ. Will Runewars outright die….probably not….FFG will release the products for the other two factions that have already been announced to flush out the game. I suspect you won’t see much more expansions after that as lack of profits will dictate that and resources will be spent on Legion instead since that will be a license to print money for them for the for the next several years. Heck the Lathari Elves core expansion just dropped this past week and there is hardly any chatter in this forum about it let alone around the internet. This was supposed to be one of the milestones that was going to get fence sitters into the game per other’s opinions. The Legion forum just opened here on this website on Friday and there is already over 3,000 posts. The Runewars forum has been open for a year and only has just north of 21,000 posts. Clear sign of the difference in interest levels between the two games. My guess Runewars will follow the same path as Battlelore 2.0 and new expansions releases will just taper off as FFG’s resources are put into more lucrative product lines such as Legion. That has always been FFG’s mode of operation…they will quickly swing the axe and kill a product that’s not turning a projected profit for them. That said no one is going to come to your home and take away your Runewars Miniatures. It’s only a game after all and if you enjoy playing it or any other game for that matter then continue to enjoy it. “Hobby games” such as 40k, Runewars, or Legion require a large investment of time and money and as such come with investment risks that you need to be willing to take. Right now Star Wars Legion is the new hotness and unfortunately Runewars already had its window of opportunity and it fizzled commercially. To think otherwise is being ignorant.
I wish I could *superlike* this post.
I played a ton of WHFB (I haven't played Wrath of Kings) and I truly believe that FFG combined the best aspects of IA, X-Wing and Armada into RuneWars. In WHFB, you really couldn't adjust your battleline and if you suffered a lucky round of fire, then you knew you lost in Turn 2. RuneWars is fast (games will take a little over an hour) because once your dial is out, you know what you are going to do. (It's rare that you will have a "turn charge" with two equally viable targets to add more decision-making time.) The events I've been to... the promos include alt art but new battlefields and scenarios to play with.
Sure, we don't know all the details from Legion yet, but from what I've pieced together, I think RuneWars is the better tactical game (e.g., positioning). RuneWars is definitely a WHFB killer.
That being said, of the local FB groups... Runewars is about 67 and Legion is already at 208!
Locally, it seems like the X-Wing crowd gravitate more towards Legion than Armada. On that alone, I think Legion is the safer bet to show up to a FLGS and have someone to play with. Meeting new folks and getting to play games trumps everything else.
That being said, I asked the locals at my FLGS... it's mostly a 40k and Infinity store and the 40k folks aren't switching. I'm not so sure if Legion can beat 40k but I definitely think it will capture the X-Wing crowd (and whatever is left of the IA crowd) and probably the RW crowd that was waiting for the Latari and Uthuk... if RW had more units out in the wild before the Legion announcement...
Personally, I was going to get Latari (I have the army box) but I think I will get the Legion core and wait on the sidelines to see how things pan out.