Dinasty Packs content

By Aingeru, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game


does anybody know if they are going with the typical 20x3 copies distribution (like in other LCGs) or if they are going to take into account that you will not be able to play three copies of the same province, for example?

In A:Netrunner three copies of IDs was nonsense... I hope this has been taken into account, as probably FFG will include new IDs and new provinces (both neutral and clan espcific) in the DPacks (LOT of DEAD (copies of) cards...).

Best regards

There is a topic discussing this.

So far 3x cores is actually an extremely shareable collection between two people, so I'm hoping for multiple copies myself.

As someone who intends to ultimately have a playable deck for each clan, more copies of cards (especially Neutrals!) is never a bad thing.