So you are new to the hobby aspect here are some tips

By BergerFett, in Star Wars: Legion

You can find their cleaning product at either Hobby Lobby or Michael's. I ordered 3 brushes and cannot remember on sizes but think 1, 0 and 00. Yes, not free by any means. The art store I found had those at 4x the price on Amazon. Everything else I got via the weekly coupons and ended up cheaper than Amazon.

I am most likely the target audience for this game. The guy playing casual X-Wing really wanting to get into the hobby aspect but not a fan of any current genre on the market.

So pumped

4 hours ago, Frodos said:

Just spray with one color (diffrent for faction) to give them boardgame-like look ;)

Nice Post!

Bonus points if you can match the colors of the IA plastics! :D

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