I'm here via the Beasts of War coverage and a tabletop gamer (albeit more the painting than playing side at the moment). I have no background with Fantasy Flight games other than having occasionally looked at X Wing and Imperial Assault but not made a purchase.
It's been really interesting reading the forum on Legion (positive and negative) largely because there seems to be some misconceptions about what Legion is aiming for.
This is 100% an attempt to grab a slice of the miniature wargaming market - that's why there will be no pre-paints and why there is no crossover with other games from FFG.
Prepainted minis simply do not exist in any tabletop wargame that I'm aware of - yes, some people commission people to paint for them, but that's very much the exception. Building, painting and customising minis is a huge part of the hobby for 99.9% of tabletop gamers - the people that Legion is aimed at.
It is interesting that they've chosen 32mm for the minis, it would be more usual to have 28mm. I think there are two reasons for this: 40k minis are more like 32mm (esp. Space Marines) and it's going to be a little easier for people new to the hobby to get to grips with painting. As a side note, Stormtroopers are going to be harder to paint well than you might think.
32mm is a 'size' rather than a scale (i.e. the minis are not in true proportion to actual people). The most applicable scale for vehicles is going to be 1:48 and that's likely what you'll see. The one surprise is that AT-ATs seem unlikely to be in the game, but anything like X-Wings or TIE fighters will likely to be smaller (1/72) to get them on the tabletop and reflect the fact they're up in the air.
The only things that I'm slightly wary of are: the cards (unusual for tabletop gaming other than as a reference) and how they sell the minis. I expect to see themed packs for 'command' e.g. Han, Leia, Luke, Chewie on Endor as one pack and boxes of generic troops e.g. a box of 20-30 Stormtroopers with assembly/weapon options. If that's the case I'm all in, if we start seeing 'fiddly' options for putting a force together I might buy some packs to paint but likely not invest in the game as a whole.
So, I'm excited overall with a few reservations. I do think some people with concerns would do well to look at some tabletop gaming sights for a better understanding of what this game will be all about.