Spending Fatigue on Prolonged Actions

By Kartigan13, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I had a quick question concerning spending fatigue on Prolonged Actions. Basically does it work the same way it does for attacks? I.e. you can spend fatigue 1 at a time after you have rolled to add 1 power dice per fatigue to the roll up to a maximum of five.

Or do you have to spend the fatigue BEFORE you roll the dice? I thought it would work like with attacks, but the rulebook seems to infer that you must spend the fatigue all at once, before you roll. Which is correct?

Also, how does the half-action "concentrating" work. The rulebook states that a hero may "concentrate" as one of his half-actions when taking a Ready action. But it also says that the hero must have a Prolonged Action Order on him in order to concentrate. Yet under the "Stun" section, it states that a stunned hero recieves one "half-action", and includes "Concentrating" in that list.

Basically what I'm asking is may a hero only Concentrate when he has already placed a Prolonged Action Order on himself previously in the turn? Or could he, for instance, declare a Ready action, Concentrate by rolling the dice on some Prolonged Action, and then place a dodge order on himself? I'm thinking he must actually have the "Prolonged Action Order" token on himself in order to "concentrate". Since it is removed at the end of his turn, the only situation where I could see that happening is if another hero with Leadership gives him that order. Anyone have any thoughts or clarification on this?

Any help with these issues is much appreciated, thanks :) .

The example in the rules strongly suggests that fatigue must be spent before the roll:

Example: Continuing the example listed above, Tahlia
chooses to spend no fatigue, so she rolls 3 power dice.

Regarding Concentrate I guess you already answered your questions: It is only possible when having a Prolonged Action order on the hero, which he either had placed on him himself in the same turn, or it was placed on him via Leadership by another hero.

A Stunned hero with a Leadership PA token would actually have to choose Concentrate to make any use of the PA token (he canĀ“t place a different order and the PA token goes away at the end of his turn).