Is it possible to have multiple copies of the same personality in play simultaneously? I remember reading during the previews that one could discard a second copy from one's Provinces to add a free Fate to the one in play but I can't find that rule in the rulebook.
Multiple Personalities
Yes, multiples in play. The discard-for-fate rule applies to unique characters.
Just pay attention to which characters are unique, and which are not. If it is not unique then you can have multiple in play. If it is unique you can only have 1, but you then get the option to discard a copy from your dynasty to put a fate on the one in play.
35 minutes ago, shosuko said:Just pay attention to which characters are unique, and which are not. If it is not unique then you can have multiple in play. If it is unique you can only have 1, but you then get the option to discard a copy from your dynasty to put a fate on the one in play.
And, aside from the flower symbol of uniqueness, you can tell a character is unique if they have an actual name.
Not quite certain I get the following
A different version of a unique card (that shares the same title) may be discarded from a player’s hand or provinces as a duplicate.
you can discard any cards in provinces anyway so what is this saying? I must be missing something obvious which isn't particularly surprising
17 minutes ago, Matrim said:Y ou can discard any cards in provinces anyway so what is this saying? I must be missing something obvious which isn't particularly surprising
You can discard Unique cards from your hand or privinces to add one fate to that same Unique card if you have it in play. Now, this bit refers to "a different version of a unique card", which is something that can't happen now, but could in the future.
Meaning, if they add another Hida Kisada card in the future (maybe as Emerald Champion ?
), and you have actual Hida Kisada in play, and the new one pops up in one of your provinces, you still can discard it for that one fate. As it is the same unique card by title, although they're different cards.
Is Unique for "In Play" only, or also for Deck Construction?
You can have up to 3 copies of a card, even Unique one, in your deck. You can have only one instance of that specific Unique card in play.
So 3x Hida Kisada in construction, 1x Hida Kisada in play, can discard Kisada from your Province to add +1 Fate to Hida Kisada already on board. So drawing extra copies of your Unique is actually potentially very good, as "1 turn" is a massive chunk of the game.
Thanks Tabris! (and others for answering)
4 hours ago, jcharpjr71 said:Is Unique for "In Play" only, or also for Deck Construction?
You can have 3x of any card for deck building, even unique cards. Unique only restricts you to 1 copy in play at a time.
Note - Part of the "different versions" thing - It is 3x by title, so if there is Hida Kisada and then Hida Kisada (exp1 emerald champion) you still only get 3 total Hida Kisada for deck building. This limit is shared between both fate and dynasty decks, so you can never have more than 3x Hida Kisada in your decks for building.
Do we know if you can Charge! in another copy of a unique character into play for a conflict? Say I have Shujo in play, but left a copy of him on a province instead of discarding it for a fate on him. Could I then use Charge! to have two Shujos on the board at the same time?
3 minutes ago, Sometimes Y said:Do we know if you can Charge! in another copy of a unique character into play for a conflict? Say I have Shujo in play, but left a copy of him on a province instead of discarding it for a fate on him. Could I then use Charge! to have two Shujos on the board at the same time?
No: Per Unique in the RR (Pg 17):
"A card with the (unique) symbol in front of its title is a unique card. Each player may only have a maximum of one instance of each unique card, by title, in play."
Edited by Mirith1 hour ago, Sometimes Y said:Do we know if you can Charge! in another copy of a unique character into play for a conflict? Say I have Shujo in play, but left a copy of him on a province instead of discarding it for a fate on him. Could I then use Charge! to have two Shujos on the board at the same time?
As Mirith said, and also:
"A player cannot take control of or bring into play a unique card if he or she already controls or owns an in-play copy of that card."