A lawful question

By Lord Deimonos, in Rogue Trader

Hi, thre is a situation that i´ d like to present to you guys. In my last sesion, the navigator (under orders from the rogue trader) used his powers to kill a few mercs. The thing is that he killed 24 civilians in the process. This happened in port wander.

So, my question is, how the imperial autorities should respond?


*Derp* Please disregard, I got my enormous void stations mixed up.

Edited by Vorzakk

They'd contact the representative of their Navigator House and report them I guess.

It would depend on the details of the situation and the particular navigator family as to what they might do to said navigator.

Port Wander is a bit on the edge of things, so the RT might get through by just paying some people off to shut them up.