Terrain Rules for OP?

By shivore, in Star Wars: Legion

I've never played a miniatures game like this before (except for IA but that doesn't use terrain of course). How is terrain handled for organized play tournaments? I like competing in OP, but I also like the idea of getting a head-start on this game by putting together some custom terrain while waiting for the Q1 release.

Obviously we can't know what FFG will do until they tell us, but how do other games like Legion handle terrain for official tournaments? Any theories? How does 40K do it, how does Runewars do it, etc.

Similarly, how is terrain placement typically handled in such events?

Edited by shivore

Typically it's handled one of two ways.

Either the boards are set up by the TO/staff before the game starts and you roll off or something to pick a side/deployment zone. Or you take turns placing stuff on the table and when both sides are happy you again roll off to pick a side.

As far as bringing stuff... I'm not completely sure, I suppose you could bring stuff and it gets put into the pool of stuff people get to pick from, or is put on a given table, but I don't know if you will always get that table to play on.

I've heard there will be 6 of the barriers in the box set, so you'll likely need at least those, and then they'll most likely put out some sort of guideline on how much other terrain you need.

Terrain falls into catagories;

  • line of sight blocking - buildings
  • concealment - foliage or barriers
  • Elevation - hills, gantries
  • impassable - sheer cliffs
  • slowing - water
  • interactive time - red barrels! Barbed wire

Ideally you'll need a bit of all of them for interest! These look best when tailored to the board.

I hope other ppl can add to this list.

Edited by Dice lord