10/10 on the game personally, but I see one minor thing that I would have changed: Political and Military conflicts would have a reward for winning each type, regardless of being the defender or the attacker.
This would do 2 things
1) Unincentivize "chump attacking" just for the sake of collecting fate on rings in fear of a loss, granting the winner of a conflict a reward beyond just the defense itself and increasing their position on the board.
2) Differentiate the two attack-types from each other beyond just their modifiers. What do I mean by this? Well political and military conflicts have no differentiation in resolution. They obviously have different modifiers and triggers and all the things that come along with them, but there's nothing that separates the two in resolution, which I believe is thematically important. No one "Dies" in a military attack, no one gets "Outwitted or politically marginalized" by a political attack.
The change I would recommend would be: After you win a military conflict, gain 1 fate, after a political victory, gain 1 honor.
This change would throw off a lot of cogs in the wheel, especially for "dishonor victories", however it would definitely make winning by honor more attainable. Obviously this change will likely never be made, but I enjoy the conversation about it.
Thoughts? What would you change?
Edited by Etaywah