Runewars minatures community...

By Aurelus, in Star Wars: Legion

... says thanks for nothing FFG.

Not sure what you're getting at. Be less passive in your passive aggressive posts.

I think he feels RuneWars will be neglected because of Legion.

FFG is capable of supporting both games and having them both be financially viable. It really depends on how well Runewars players support the game; the games are quite different ... they'll scratch different wargaming itches depending on what types of gamer psoriasis you have.

One game is a rank-and-file fantasy miniatures game, the other is a loose-formation sci-fi miniatures game. Yes, they are both miniatures games, but they scratch very different itches.

Devils advocate-

I was about to hop into Rune Wars immediately prior to Legion, but now will not be, and instead picking up Legion.

Different itches yes, but to say will not affect the other might be a little reductive.

5 hours ago, BrobaFett said:

Devils advocate-

I was about to hop into Rune Wars immediately prior to Legion, but now will not be, and instead picking up Legion.

Different itches yes, but to say will not affect the other might be a little reductive.

Same for me, but the question is how many players will now not start or switch the game? I'm quite sure Runewars will still survive.

Well, Runewars just got an entire extra faction released and already has another one announced, along with additional units for all previous factions. Not sure what you were expecting, why that's cause for concern and why that merits passive hostility towards people excited for a different game and the publisher.

Edited by player1750031

Settle down, this wasnt a personal attack.

Timing is especially poor, following on the heels of a very similar game. Despite if it's true or not, RW community has shifted expectations of growing the game and pulling in new players, since star wars is star wars and has a built in fan base.

Would have been nice if FFG gave RW some room to grow a bit, but it is what it is.

I'm sure Legion will be a fine game.

If those runwars players would rather be playing Legion than so be it. Ffg can support both games for sure. Only problem is if people stop buying it I guess.

The sad truth is, FFG's support for Runewars is probably going to dwindle just based on it not selling very well.

17 hours ago, BrobaFett said:

Devils advocate-

I was about to hop into Rune Wars immediately prior to Legion, but now will not be, and instead picking up Legion.

Different itches yes, but to say will not affect the other might be a little reductive.

I'm the flip side of that. I already had a ton of a fantasy miniatures because I loved Warhammer Fantasy right up to the end. I couldn't bring myself to do Runewars at any point. I have Kings of War, which is a solid ruleset for the ton of minis I already own. At the same time, however, I've been contemplating getting back into 40k because of the models. I held back because...well GW can't make a ruleset to save themselves anymore. Then up pops Legion. Star Wars Stormtroopers AND an FFG ruleset?! Hells to the yes.

Edited by Truthiness

I would have liked to play the Undead in RW. I'm sure that's a huge surprise :P But with Legion, I have no desire to play RW. Armada and Legion will be my games of choice.

7 minutes ago, Truthiness said:

Then up pops Legion. Star Wars Stormtroopers AND an FFG ruleset?! Hells to the yes.

I'm sorta in the same boat. I got the new rules and the Imperial Index 1... I was planing on getting into 40k, I have enough Death Watch stuff to put together a 1,000 point list so why not expand a bit? Plus 8th is a decent rule set. But between starting with Frostgrave and Warlords (because I want to paint some fantasy for a change) and SWL... I'm thinking my Death Watch may not get touched for a while after all.

Only thing that could push me away is having to chase upgrades like I did in X-Wing. I don't want to have to buy a pack of Royal Guards because they have cool upgrade cards I want for my Rebel Pathfinders... But as I understand it that's how it works RW's where you don't have to buy cross faction packs, and I hope they do the same thing here.

But let's be honest, if anyone drops RW at this point to play Legion... They aren't really a lost customer as far as FFG is concerned and most likely weren't that serious about RW to start with.

Edited by VanorDM

It's not so much losing RW players... Anyone doing that would be throwing their money away. It's just FFG made growing a community for RW that much more difficult, which only hurts them in the end imo.

31 minutes ago, Sk3tch said:

If those runwars players would rather be playing Legion than so be it. Ffg can support both games for sure. Only problem is if people stop buying it I guess.

I have a suspicion that there already isn't enough people buying Runewars for FFG's liking, but that's a discussion for a different thread.

I think the two are different enough that if RuneWars isn't doing well, it won't have anything to do with Legion. I was really excited when I heard about RuneWars, but decided to not buy into it for several reasons way before Legion was even announced. I still don't know enough about Legion to make a decision either way.

I can see how Legion will take away from some of the Runewars community. Short term at least.

Long term, this shouldn't be an issue. Melee focused, rank based games are very different than shooting focised, skirmish based games. They likely will have different customer bases in the long run.

Edited by ryanabt


Conan, what is best in life?

  • To crush Runewars.
  • To see its players driven before you.
  • And to hear the lamentation of its forum posters.

Warhammer Fantasy Battle (AoS now) and Warhammer 40k have existed alongside each other for decades... there is room for fantasy and sci fi in this market.

8 hours ago, BrobaFett said:

Devils advocate-

I was about to hop into Rune Wars immediately prior to Legion, but now will not be, and instead picking up Legion.

Different itches yes, but to say will not affect the other might be a little reductive.

Is this because of money. If you could afford to support both equally would you?

The issue for a lot of gamers is not that the experiences are similar, its that resources are limited so typically one can only play a few games at a time without going broke.

I agree, they do different things and scratch different itches. Runewars isn't for everyone, nor will legion be for everyone. Right now FFG seems to be getting games into every subgenre of gaming so they have market share everywhere. its a smart move.

If people want runewars to be successful then make it successful. Run events, promote it, run demos and get locals interested in it.

22 minutes ago, BergerFett said:

Is this because of money. If you could afford to support both equally would you?

The issue for a lot of gamers is not that the experiences are similar, its that resources are limited so typically one can only play a few games at a time without going broke.

I agree, they do different things and scratch different itches. Runewars isn't for everyone, nor will legion be for everyone. Right now FFG seems to be getting games into every subgenre of gaming so they have market share everywhere. its a smart move.

If people want runewars to be successful then make it successful. Run events, promote it, run demos and get locals interested in it.

Honestly Berger it's my time. I work an awesome job, and am a relatively thrifty person so I am fortunate to say money is not an issue when it comes to the hobbies I want to get into.

However, I am a family man, and between quality time with my wife, my friends, my kids and their friends/sports/plays/activites I get to play my "first love" of miniature gaming (Armada) maybe once every 3 months or so. I know that any time invested into ANOTHER mini game would come out of time spent with that one. I was prepared to get into Rune Wars because I love fantasy, I love the idea of a rank and file mini's and honestly the models look super cool. I also have found that painting minis scratches my artistic itch that had been mostly ignored since having kids and running out of time to invest in painting, so adding more models to paint was also a consideration.

However, I love Star Wars. Knowing I barely have time to play 1 mini game, much less 2, I knew 3 was out of the question. That meant it was either or, and in that case, the Star Wars IP wins out for me every time.

1 minute ago, BrobaFett said:

Honestly Berger it's my time. I work an awesome job, and am a relatively thrifty person so I am fortunate to say money is not an issue when it comes to the hobbies I want to get into.

However, I am a family man, and between quality time with my wife, my friends, my kids and their friends/sports/plays/activites I get to play my "first love" of miniature gaming (Armada) maybe once every 3 months or so. I know that any time invested into ANOTHER mini game would come out of time spent with that one. I was prepared to get into Rune Wars because I love fantasy, I love the idea of a rank and file mini's and honestly the models look super cool. I also have found that painting minis scratches my artistic itch that had been mostly ignored since having kids and running out of time to invest in painting, so adding more models to paint was also a consideration.

However, I love Star Wars. Knowing I barely have time to play 1 mini game, much less 2, I knew 3 was out of the question. That meant it was either or, and in that case, the Star Wars IP wins out for me every time.

i get it, I figured it was something like that, it usually is. Time is resource as well. So if you have responsibilities that limit you to 1 or even 2 nights a week of gaming its hard to experience all of it.

2 hours ago, Aurelus said:

It's just FFG made growing a community for RW that much more difficult, which only hurts them in the end imo.

I don't see that at all.

People will play RW because they want a rank and file, fantasy based game. Anyone looking for that type of game won't quit RW to play Legion, and they'll still be part of the RW community. Anyone who would either leave or not bother picking up RW because of Legion is unlikely to be a loss to the community because they weren't all that serious about it in the first place.

Legion and Rune Wars are completely different games, different themes, different play styles and so on. The only thing they have in common is miniatures and being produced by FFG. This game will cause no real harm to the RW community because it's not really competing for the same players... It's no different then if you said Overwatch was bad for the WoW community.

1 hour ago, BergerFett said:

Time is resource as well.

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