seriously tho. this looks amazing
Edited by Wiredinboom
seriously tho. this looks amazing
Edited by WiredinSecond! Woohoo
Third. What is the scale?
6 minutes ago, Fraggle_Rock said:Third. What is the scale?
We don't know yet. 28mm or possibly larger. The gentleman answering the question at the seminar said '34mm', but prefaced that by 'I guess' and 'I don't know much about miniature scale'.
I'll be seriously peeved if they're visibly larger ad incompatible withIA miniatures.
Edited by player1750031So I'm assuming by my limited knowledge of Warhammer (none) and the press kit document just released that this appears to be a Star Wars 40k style game? Or am I just assuming that based on having to assemble the minis and the larger size?
I like how the preview has a link to the mini site and when you click on it it says page not found.
Depends what you mean by '40k style game'. This will be a proper miniature wargame with plastic figures coming unpainted and requiring assembly like Runewars Miniatures. It will have freeform movement with no movement trays and will presumably be played on scale terrain battleields instead of a board.
34mm will be bigger than IA. IA is 28mm 40k style. 40k has moved to 30-32mm in recent years.
Probably means no AT-ATs
This game looks awesome! I hope if it's the same scale, an Imperial Assault conversion expansion (just the cards) comes out soon, so I can reuse my Imperial Assault minis. Odds of that happening though? About zero.
Oh well! I'll buy it anyway!
Edited by Kieransi8 minutes ago, BergerFett said:34mm will be bigger than IA. IA is 28mm 40k style. 40k has moved to 30-32mm in recent years.
Probably means no AT-ATs
IF they measure 34mm, than yes, that would be notably larger than IA. However, we still don't know anything about the scale beyond the fact that it's kinda somewhere in the 30mm range. Also, even when FFG states the scale loud and clear, they tend to be... let's say creative. I'm still bitter about Battlelore 2ed. When it was announced, even the webpage article called that '28mm scale compatible with Descent', but putting a spearman out of that game next to a Descent mini makes the former look like a twelve year old... They're 20mm at best.
Edited by player1750031Dang! I just bought into Runewars Minis.
My wallet is going to be empty into the next life.
Yeah, if these are a noticeably different scale than IA figures, that is a poor decision. I, like many others, need a better collection of SW minis for our RPG gaming.
7 minutes ago, malthol said:Yeah, if these are a noticeably different scale than IA figures, that is a poor decision. I, like many others, need a better collection of SW minis for our RPG gaming.
Agreed. Having two nearly identical, but incompatible, ranges of star wars miniatures will harm both games and annoy FFG's customers.