Winter Court

By Cmcmillen, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Do we know when the 1st one will be?

Not yet. Ostensibly the tournament will take place some time in winter. I would assume they have something planned for the "rokugani new year" so it would be some time before that event.

Didn't they say it would be in November? That says PAX Unplugged to me.(or at least i hope it does haha)

We'll November is also worlds for all things Star Wars, which they hold in their own gaming building

November is Non-Star Wars Worlds so probably there.

SW worlds is in the spring.

And anyone knows how to qualify for this first worlds?

19 minutes ago, Doji_Shiematsu said:

And anyone knows how to qualify for this first worlds?

Via regional Kotei tournaments.

They said November 1-4

I'm pretty sure they said it was at Worlds. It looks like it is L5R's version of an LCG World Champ tournament (like how Kotei and Grand Kotei seem to be it's Regionals and Nationals). Anyone can sign up for a ticket to the Worlds and register for events. Looks like Hatamoto's (title earned during that season) and otherwise top performers during the Kotei season will be able to purchase reserved tickets for the event beforehand and the winners of Grand Kotei win a ticket and travel accommodations. Everyone else has a chance to register for the remaining spots.

45 minutes ago, Doji_Shiematsu said:

And anyone knows how to qualify for this first worlds?

Just sign up when tickets go on sale. You will want to move fast, though. Tickets usually sell out in the first few minutes for popular games.

If you want a guaranteed spot, you probably want to register within the first 60 seconds that the tickets go on sale.

I think last year X-Wing sold out in about 30 to 45 seconds (as an example for a very, very popular game).

Tickets will probably be sold in 3 waves at different times so that various timezones have an easier time of signing up.

Edited by nungunz