Starwarsian Adventure Compendium

By Tommy Blunderbuss, in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition

Though a child of the 80's, and a fan of Star Wars, I didn't even know there was such a thing as Roleplaying Games. So I missed out on this, which is shame as I would have loved it. I'd often be creating my own stories while playing with my Star Wars toys.

Unfortunately I was put off the FFG range of Star Wars RPGs because of the huge price tag. Instead I've resorted to trying out Savage World's and The End of the World. Home brewing what I had to.

Now I've pre-ordered this and I can't wait to start creating campaigns and having adventures.

Stay tuned for more on my Adventure Compendium.

Edited by Tommy Blunderbuss

I'll be setting up a blog, and likely join some social media, and will post links here.

I'm thinking of making video reports of the adventures instead of typing up long detailed posts.

Let me know if you prefer hearing and seeing over reading.

Edited by Tommy Blunderbuss