2017 Nationals Championships

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

On 29.09.2017 at 5:54 PM, Timathius said:

So are there any other nationals we are still missing?

I've gathered some info:

Nordics 6-8 October(around 100 players to be expected)
Hungarian Nationals 7-8 October (around 100 players to be expected)
Czech/Slovakia Nationals (50 players to be expected)
Belgian Nationals 11-12 November (over 100 players to be expected)
Spain Nationals 1-2 December (over 200 players to be expected)

Duch and Italian Nationals to be announced.

For those not familiar with European geography:

Nordics are National-level event for whole Scandinavia (Northern Europe) with great amount of UK players involved.

Belgium is in very center of Western Europe so Meta will be mixed from UK/Germany/France/Duch players.

Hungary is heart of central Europe so players from Serbia/Croatia/Austria/Germany/Poland/Czech/Slovakia are expected.

Czech/Slovakia Nationals most likely will be dominated by Polish players (we reserved over half of seats)

Not sure about Australian Nationals.

11 hours ago, Oldpara said:

Not sure about Australian Nationals.

We don't get too many overseas participants, except those dastardly Kiwis. From memory, last year there was also a small group from Singapore and also possibly Malaysia.

Being hosted on the east coast, it's a bit of a journey for people to make. I'm on the west coast and it's a 6 hour flight for me, so if you're overseas (Besides NZ) it's even worse.

Edited by CRCL
25 minutes ago, CRCL said:

We don't get too many overseas participants, except those dastardly Kiwis. From memory, last year there was also a small group from Singapore and also possibly Malaysia.

Being hosted on the east coast, it's a bit of a journey for people to make. I'm on the west coast and it's a 6 hour flight for me, so if you're overseas (Besides NZ) it's even worse.

How big was it last year?

44 minutes ago, SabineKey said:

How big was it last year?

From memory is was around 100-120 players. I just tried to login to the software they used to store all the lists and round-by-round matchups, but it looks like they've taken it down.

Hungarian Nationals results. 89 Players attended

Winner: Kuzmin with Miranda, Biggs, Lowhrrick

Runner-Up: Off Jenkins with Dengar Asajj (attani, scavenger crane and countermeasure on both! most interesting list in the cut imo)

Top4: Dash-Miri and triple jumps

Top8 had a Dengar-Nym, a Nym-Fenn-Sunny. At least another 3 Jumps and don't know what else

Top16 had a Chopper-Braylen-Zeb, a double-Y Torkil Scout, another Dengar Nym, a Dengar-Bossk, another jumpmasters and 1 or 2 Dash Miranda and no idea what else.

The only Imperial in cut was a RAC (Kylo and Palpatine + Inquisitor. I don't know if he reached top 8 thought

Proud of my 3 fellow Italians who made the cut!

Edited by Sunitsa
8 minutes ago, Sunitsa said:

Hungarian Nationals results. 89 Players attended

Winner: Kuzmin with Miranda, Biggs, Lowhrrick

Runner-Up: Off Jenkins with Dengar Asajj (attani, scavenger crane and countermeasure on both! most interesting list in the cut imo)

Top4: Dash-Miri and triple jumps

Top8 had a Dengar-Nym, a Nym-Fenn-Sunny. At least another 3 Jumps and don't know what else

Top16 had a Chopper-Braylen-Zeb, a double-Y Torkil Scout, another Dengar Nym, a Dengar-Bossk, another jumpmasters and 1 or 2 Dash Miranda and no idea what else.

Proud of my 3 fellow Italians who made the cut!

Jumpmasters, Nym, Miranda, Dash, Biggs, it all looks pretty standard. Do you know if any Imperials managed to crack the top 16?

Just trying to collate a top 16 list from Nordics

3 minutes ago, CRCL said:

Jumpmasters, Nym, Miranda, Dash, Biggs, it all looks pretty standard. Do you know if any Imperials managed to crack the top 16?

Yes, there was a RAC (kylo and palpa) with Inquisitor who made the cut. I think he might have reached top 8 but I'm not sure

He was in the Top 8. Lost to the itialian tripple Jumps.

I ve been in the Top 8 with tripple Jumps, lost to Miranda Dash. He simply has been better.

Nordics(Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Findland National) was concluded this weekend.
108 players. Was won by Tobias Vallin from Sweden with Miranda/Dash.

14 minutes ago, Holmelund said:

Nordics(Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Findland National) was concluded this weekend.
108 players. Was won by Tobias Vallin from Sweden with Miranda/Dash.

I heard players were split into 2 "flights", was that a decision made due to limited space?

Nordic Nationals 2017:

108 Players

(Working on getting the lists together at the moment)

  • Winner: Tobias Vallin - Dash and Miranda - 100pts
    Dash - HLC, Outrider Title, Lone Wolf and Rey.
    Miranda - Adv. Slam, TLT, Bomlet generator, Cluster Mines, Sabine Wren and Extra Munitions.
  • Runner Up: Maciej Rzepinske - Magic Carpet Ride (4x auzitucks, Wookiee Commandos)
  • Top 4: Tommy Byø - OP3?
  • Top 4: Jan-Joel Salo - FSR OG
  • Top 8: Kris Mitchell - Dash and Miranda - 100pts (only player to go 6-0 in Swiss) :)
    Dash - HLC, Outrider Title, Lone Wolf and Rey, snuggling compartment and Rigged Cardgo Chute.
    Miranda - Adv. Slam, TLT, Ion bombs, Cluster Mines, Sabine Wren and Extra Munitions.
  • Top 8: Guido Kessels - OP3
  • Top 8: Kasper Scharling - Paratanni?
  • Top 8: Krzysztot Trojanowski - Rey/Miranda
  • Looking at top 16 as well
  • Top 16: Johan Nilsson - FSR 2.0
  • Top 16: Lasse Kiilerich - Cruise N'Dru, Cruise Nym, Fenn Rau
  • Top 16: Paul Bridge - Lohrick w/Rey, 2x Auzitucks w/ tactician, predator, barrel roll
  • Top 16: Marko Tammelin - Jess w/bb8 +tarn w/m9g8 +rookie w/r3a2 +2x bandit
  • Top 16: Andreas Olson - TLT Kanan / Biggs
Edited by KMitchell
5 minutes ago, KMitchell said:

Nordic Nationals 2017:

108 Players

(Working on getting the lists together at the moment)

Winner: Tobias Vallin - Miranda Dash
Runner Up: Maciej Rzepinske - Magic Carpet Ride (4x auzitucks, Wookiee Commandos)
Top 4: Tommy Byø - OP3?
Top 4: Jan-Joel Salo - FSR OG
Top 8: Kris Mitchell - Miranda Dash
Top 8: Guido Kessels - OP3
Top 8: Kasper Scharling - Paratanni?
Top 8: Krzysztot Trojanowski - ?

Looking at top 16 as well

Krzysztof Trojanowski played Rey +Miranda as I saw.

  • Rebel Turrets
  • Rebel Jousting (Woo B-Wings Are Back Baby)
  • Rebel Turrets
  • Rebel Regen
  • Rebel Turrets
  • Rebel Regen
  • Scum
  • Rebel Turrets
Edited by Stay On The Leader
1 minute ago, Stay On The Leader said:
  • Rebel Turrets
  • Rebel Regen
  • Rebel Turrets
  • Rebel Regen
  • Rebel Turrets
  • Rebel Regen
  • Scum
  • Rebel Turrets

I'd question the definition of the quad Kashyyyk Defenders as "regen". Reinforce is very much its own thing.

2 minutes ago, Jarval said:

I'd question the definition of the quad Kashyyyk Defenders as "regen". Reinforce is very much its own thing.

Totally fair, I had a brainfart and pretended it was another OP3 as soon I'd scrolled it off the top of my screen.

Just now, Stay On The Leader said:

Totally fair, I had a brainfart and pretended it was another OP3 as soon I'd scrolled it off the top of my screen.

Easily done. I've just flown against that list a *lot* of late, as one of the guys at my local club has fallen for it hard. :D

1 hour ago, Sunitsa said:

I heard players were split into 2 "flights", was that a decision made due to limited space?

Yes. The venue we had could not hold more than 64 players of X-Wing at a time, so we had 1 flight Friday and 1 flight Saturday, each had tickets available for 64 players. Friday we ended at 46 and Saturday was 62
Top 8 players from each flight was combined to make the top-16 on Sundays KO matches.

1 hour ago, Holmelund said:

Yes. The venue we had could not hold more than 64 players of X-Wing at a time, so we had 1 flight Friday and 1 flight Saturday, each had tickets available for 64 players. Friday we ended at 46 and Saturday was 62
Top 8 players from each flight was combined to make the top-16 on Sundays KO matches.

I really dislike the split swiss since it leads to uneven fields (or at least, less even than usually), but sometimes sadly there aren't better solutions

12 minutes ago, Sunitsa said:

I really dislike the split swiss since it leads to uneven fields (or at least, less even than usually), but sometimes sadly there aren't better solutions

I curious, how does it lead to uneven fields?

7 minutes ago, KMitchell said:

I curious, how does it lead to uneven fields?

It has the potential to if the random draw of players puts more of the best players into one of the flights than into the other.

I don't see it as a major issue, though.

Edited by Stay On The Leader

But there's not a random draw, players either buy a ticket for Swiss on Firday or Saturday.

3 minutes ago, timg_83 said:

But there's not a random draw, players either buy a ticket for Swiss on Firday or Saturday.

Ok, but that's just another way of creating potentially unequal skill brackets on the two days.

14 minutes ago, KMitchell said:

I curious, how does it lead to uneven fields?

Random pairings (round 1) from the whole pool of players is different from random pairings from only half of them.

Random pairings from only half of the players with your same score as you is different from random pairings from all players at the same score.

Pairings is a huge luck and random factor in any given tournament, messing with it kinda screws it. What happens if, of the 5 Jumpmasters players, 4 plays in day 1 and the other in day 2? What happens if the best players happens to be more likely, for any reason, to play on day 1 rather than day 2?

It happens that you are going to have 2 very different swisses, which will give the same rewards (the top 8 cut) despite their differences

Without a seeded system like the FIFA does for the World Cup (which to be clear, I don't really want to see in x-wing, even if it was possible) splitting the swiss leads to less even environment than a non split tournaments in my opinion.

Of course if there are logistic reasons it's still better to have 2 swisses" rather than no tournament or a much smaller one, but I really hope that this awful system doesn't become the standard in Europe too.

19 minutes ago, Sunitsa said:

Random pairings (round 1) from the whole pool of players is different from random pairings from only half of them.

Random pairings from only half of the players with your same score as you is different from random pairings from all players at the same score.

Thank you for the detailed reply :)