2 minutes ago, RandomJC said:For full options, you'd need to get 3 cores, which is $40 apiece, which is $120 total. (This being a complete playset of core cards) each dynasty pack will give you 20 new cards, three copies each, so only one copy of the dynasty is needed, at $15. six dynasty packs means roughly $210 over the course of a cycle to guarantee a playset.
You can compare this to a CCG where an entire booster box is around $100, with a set distribution model of rare and ultra rare cards. With the rarity distribution it is impossible to get all of the highest rarity level in one box, which will only contain 5/6 of that kind of rarity, while the game usually has at least 10.
You can buy a second booster box, but that doesn't guarantee you the remaining Ultra rares you don't have, or even a playable set of what you already have, so assuming you don't just buy another booster box, you have to go onto the secondary market to get the full playset of these rare cards (which are very good cards needed to be competetive) and they aren't cheap, prices can range anywhere from 5 to 20 dollars per card. With 10 ultra rares that cost you $10 each, to just get one copy of each is a $100, to get a full playset is $300.
So while a complete set of an LCG isn't a cheap thing, it is, as a whole, cheaper than a CCG.
And you can't put a price on the piece of mind you gain from knowing you will get every single card when you buy a product. You can spend your money knowing you will get what you want.