Howdy! I can't find an answer to this question, but I was wondering if bowed characters can participate in duels. If they can, do they contribute their skill values to the duel?
The situation that made me think of this is if I had a bowed character with Duelist Training attached to it and I moved it to a conflict; could I initiate a duel with the attached bowed character?
Thanks in advance!
Rules question about Duels
There's nothing on Duelist Training that requires you to bow the character to use it, and bowed characters always have their stats (they just don't apply to battle resolution).
You certainly can duel when bowed. The only time bowing matters is 1) if something requires you to bow to do it, then a bowed character can't do it. 2) when counting total stats for a conflict resolution you do not count from bowed characters.
Awesome! Thank you guys for the clarification!
Also you don't count glory on bowed chars.
7 minutes ago, mplain said:Also you don't count glory on bowed chars.
Where do you get that? From the rules reference on bowing:
" A bowed card cannot bow again until it is ready. Cards are typically readied by a game step or card ability.
During conflicts, bowed characters do not contribute their skill.
A bowed attachment with skill modifiers still modifies the skill of the attached character.
A card ability on a bowed card is active and can still engage with the game state. However, if a bowed card must bow as part of its cost to trigger an ability, it cannot bow again until it is readied, so the ability could not be triggered. "
I see nothing about glory. Now, I suspect everyone is right that a bowed character can duel with his current skill, but I want to make the contrary case anyway. Look at the second point, "During combat, bowed characters do not contribute their skill." Not combat resolution, combat. Of course, the key word, 'contribute' might come into play, but I don't see that defined anywhere. So, with the fact that a bowed character doesn't contribute their skill during combat, look at dueling, and find:
" The ability that initiated the duel (in step D.1) established which type of skill (military or political) is being used to determine the results of the duel. Each player adds his or her honor bid to the specified skill of his or her character that is involved in the duel. This modification persists until the end of the duel.
NOTE Any skill modifiers that were active at the time the duel was initiated are still applicable during the duel. "
So, with that, I think there is at least a case that your skill is 0 if you're in a duel during combat and you're bowed. I suspect, strongly suspect, that this isn't the intent. Can anyone point to the rules that show this case is wrong?
Again, I really do think this is wrong, but can't find the rules that say so. Help is really appreciated. Thanks.
@agarrett What mplain means is when you are counting for Imperial Favor you do not count glory from character who are bowed.
To your point about bowed characters and the potential for their stat to be zero. Note that the line does not say their skill is zero, only that they do not contribute it. You aren't "contributing" when you are in a duel. You do contribute for conflict resolution.
Edited by shosuko@agarrett As you said, the rules reference says:
During conflicts, bowed characters do not contribute their skill.
But then you (incorrectly) used "D uring combat , bowed characters do not contribute their skill" in your argument. Now, I think we all agree that a duel is not a conflict.