Psykers are my favorite class and I've never played anything else so far.
Lately I was brainstorming to create a new discipline - I mean, we have a Fire one, right? While it would be dumb to turn DH into D&D and go for all elements, electric discipline, imho, fits. It's cool for shutting down surveillance systems and/or manipulating them, stunning opponents for rounds, torturing (hello, grimdark), mocking your fellow techpriest by spiking him with a few hundred Volts after he pretended being Dart Sidious with his "ABSOLUTE POOOOOOWER!" Luminen implants show off, etc.
I've finished a rough version of electric powers today. Seems like I created some kind of support AoE priest/rogue, lol. Some of the powers are converted from existing psychic powers, but some are unique to the system. I would love to receive feedback and ideas on what to implement or throw out.
Also, I personally don't like the 8th Teleportation power , because it is the only one I almost plainly copied. I wish to change it to something, but I am out of ideas. Help?
Thanks in advance.
1. Jolted touch, Touch, 1d10+PR, Pen 0, Shocking
Cost: 100 xp
Prerequisite: WP 35
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Ordinary (+10) Willpower test
Range: Touch
Subtype: Attack
The psycker can Shock his opponents and overcharge small devices and machines to shut them down upon touch.
2. Lightning, Psychic barrage, 1d10+PR, Pen 2, Shocking
Cost: 200 xp
Prerequisite: WP 35
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test
Range: 10mxPR
Subtype: Attack
The psyker can burn his opponents with electricity pouring from his hands. Small and medium devices and machines shut down for half-PR rounds upon hit.
During combat, the psyker casts an additional bolt into a random enemy for every 2 DoS.
3. Static dome
Cost: 300 xp
Prerequisite: WP 40
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Range: 10mxPR
Dome range: 2mxPR
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Concentration
The psyker focuses his control over electricity in the air and whirls it to create a dome. Any working gear, machine or device that enters the dome is immediately shut down for 1 round (without save). It starts working upon leaving the dome or when the dome dissappears.
Allies inside the dome gain half-PR bonus (PR=3=+15) against laser, plasma and melta attacks, or grenade explosions.
4. Electromagnetic cloak
Cost: 300 xp
Prerequisite: WP 40
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
Range: 2mxPR
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Concentration
The psyker obscures his allies or himself from their foes’ senses. Though eyes and other senses do not detect them, their minds can perceive them by rolling an Awareness (-20) check and noticing the sound of crackling air. This power grants a Shocking (PR) value for a single melee or ranged attack to the affected person that ignores armour. For the duration of the power, the target counts having the Stealth skill at Known (rank 1), and gains a bonus to Stealth tests equal to +5 times the psyker’s psy rating. Additionally, all ranged attacks made against the target suffer a penalty equal to –5 times the psyker’s psy rating. If the target moves beyond the power’s range, he loses this power’s benefits.
5. Stasis trap, Psychic Blast, 1d10+PR, Pen=Current blast radius, Shocking
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisite: WP 45
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Willpower test
Range: 5 metres x psy rating
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Concentration
Trigger range: 1 meter. Blast: 2 meters.
The psyker focuses his mind on a location and whirls air into a dense round electricity charge, which light fades after 5 seconds upon cast. Any enemy that stays closer (or in range) than reversed PR meters (PR1=5meters, PR2=4meters, PR3=3meters, PR4+=2meters) from the trap rolls an Awareness (-10) check to hear and notice the distorted transparent crackling air around the trap.
The psyker cannot voluntarily stop sustaining this power. Instead, at the beginning of each turn the psyker is sustaining the trap, he must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test with a –10 penalty for each metre in the trap’s current radius. If he passes the test, he may perform one of the following actions:
• Increase the traps' trigger range by one metre.
• Decrease the traps' trigger range by one metre.
• Increase the traps' blast radius by one metre.
• Decrease the traps' blast radius by one metre.
If the psyker fails the Willpower test to sustain the trap or if he is unable to make the test due to other circumstances, he rolls a Willpower (Ordinary +0) check. The trap sets off upon failing or vanishes upon success.
Anyone stepping in a Statis trap trigger range immediately sets it off. The trap releases a lightning sound upon setting off.
Anyone staying in the 5xPR radius from the trap must take a Toughness (-10) check or become deafened and Stunned for half-PR rounds.
6. Electromagnetic manipulation
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisite: Psy rating 4, WP 45
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Hard (–20) Willpower test
Range: 5 metres x PR
Sustained: Full Action
Subtype: Sustained (Self), Concentration
The psyker can manipulate electromagnetic fields to levitate himself or targets of his choice. A target of psyker's choice or every alive creature (including psyker) and metal object in 2mXPR rise into the crackling air up up to 1d5 meters up.
While active, the range of this Psychic Power works as a Haywire Field.
7. Thunderstorm, Psychic blast
Value: 400 xp
Prerequisite: WP 50
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Hard (–20) Willpower test
Range: 5 metres x psy rating
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Sustained, Concentration
The psyker focuses his will to create a thunderstorm to smite his enemies and make them bend before the Emperor.
This power is a Psychic Blast with a radius of 2 metres + the Degrees of Success on the Focus Power Test. Anyone caught within the area of effect suffers 1d10+7 E Damage with a Pen(PR) quality and the Shocking (3) quality, and must take a Pinning test.
8. Electron teleportation
Value: 400 xp
Prerequisite: Psy rating 5
Action: Extended Action (2)
Focus Power: Very hard (–30) Willpower test
Range: 10 metres x psy rating
Sustained: No
Subtype: Concentration
The psyker chooses a point anywhere within 5 metres times his psy rating, and opens a gate to the Immaterium at that point.
The gate lasts for a number of rounds equal to the psyker’s psy rating, and has a radius in metres equal to the psyker’s psy rating as well. For the duration of the power, the two sides of the gate are linked, and any person or objects may pass between them freely provided they can fit through the gate.
Anyone caught in the gate is affected by Haywire Field.
This power is incredibly taxing and requires at least 12 hours of recovery before it may be used again.
9. Petrifying light, Psychic barrage, 1d10+PR, Shocking, Pen(PR)
Value: 500 xp
Prerequisite: WP 55, Psy rating 5
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Very hard (–30) Willpower test
Range: 20mXPR
Subtype: Concentration, Attack
The psyker is capable of draining the very bioelectricity from their foes, dropping the enemy to the ground, cold and inert as stone.
If the accumulated power is not discharged after the cast, the psyker will need to wait for the electricity to release itself during the next PR hours and roll a Hard (-20) Toughness test for every target or gain 1 Fatigue level.
During combat, the psyker casts an additional bolt into a random enemy for every 2 DoS.
Edited by vichn