My GM & I have been discussing the possibilities of running games in Tau space - however we soon decided that to give players a real challenge it would be far better to play representatives of the Tau!! The aim of the game would be very different, less trading more 'Emissary'. Has anyone given any thought to Tau as players, different Caste, Tau tech, allies, etc?
Adventuring in Tau Space - for the Tau?
Well I have been working on converting the tau ships from battlefield gothic to rogue trader, but only in a adversarial way. I have put some thought to doing components layout for them but it hasn't been pressing.
would you share what you've done so far... hehe I was planning on doing the same thing but haven't gotten around to it yet.
It would certainly be a differently 'toned' game - the group would be searching out not only resources for the Tau empire, but also alien species to join the Tau (there's joining and then there's JOINING - in the spirit of the roman empire, etc). The group would be looking towards the ''Greater Good'' constantly.
Lar'shi (Hero) class
spd 4
hull integrity 70
armor 20
shields 2
manuverability 0
detection +10
turret rating 3
prow mount 1: (torpedo) str 6 dmg 1d10 +2 as lance rng 4-8 crit 3
prow mount 2: railgun macrobattery str 4 dmg 1d10+2 rng 9 crit 5
port launch bay
starboard launch bay
port mount: Ion cannon str 2 dmg 1d10+3 rng 6 crit 3
starboard mount: Ion cannon str 2 dmg 1d10+3 rng 6 crit 3
Note: port and starboard mounts can also fire forward
Kir'Quath (Defender) class
spd 4
hull integrity 34
armor 16
manuverability +10
detection +10
turrent rating 2
shields 1
prow mount 1: railgun macrobattery str 3 dmg 1d10+2 rng 6 crit 5
prow mount 2:(torpedo) str 2 dmg 1d10+2 as lance rng 4-8 crit 3
honestly as far as the (torpedos) they are gavmetric drivers and I am not sure how they work, I have been working from the partial rules for tau off the website.
Have a look on there may be Tau stuff there.
The Dark Reign website does indeed have some good Tau material ready to go. Just do a search for Tau on the site and you will find a document titled Tau Fire Warrior 1.0. It covers a bunch of stuff including stats for the race, Fire Warrior career (8 full ranks with advancements) and some gear including an XV22 crisis battlesuit.
I haven't tested any of the material myself but it looks good.