Masters of Deception

By Zetsubou, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Finally, we get to the clan I've been playing since the coup (the set ;) )!

Sinister Soshi - 1 cost shugenja that gives out a -2/-2 debuff. She can't enter into conflicts but her extremely low cost and ability should turn her into a workhorse for the clan. Spooky Sista.

Way of the Scorpion - I don't know why there's a ninja on this since the ability doesn't seem to fit the image. Any who, it's a staple, action-speed dishonor effect and, while not as powerful as Way of the Crane, still helps the clan by downgrading characters with a positive glory.

Yogo Outcast - She fills that cheap character slot that does get better when you play into the dishonorable route. The clan got far more shugenja that I thought it might be interesting to try out Phoenix as a splash. Wish she was another courtier though.

Yogo Hiroue - He's a solid character, with an effect that can pull both your opponent's characters or your own into a conflict. If I have a problem with him, it's that 2 glory and the number of Scorpion cards that like to dishonor it's own characters. Yes, I know that Hiroue's is a "may" effect, but I'm referring to other cards. It does potentially hurt himself and the other three uniques in the clan.

Fiery Madness - A somewhat reliable debuff but is hampered by the potential of a anti-attachment meta game. Even if there's a shift towards a more event-hate environment, a few more hurdles exist for Fiery Madness like the competition of other characters and conflict cards.

Bayushi Yunako - Great to see her get that promotion from the fiction! I like the ability, although it has never been a particularly ground breaking or competitive one in other card games. She does add the bushi trait but the cost of 4 might be her undoing for the short term.

Shosuro Miyako - Would have liked to see her with 0 glory because of that shinobi trait. She works very well with the Adept of Shadows but the lack of any shinobi card makes me sad. She has the most potential out of the four uniques in the clan because of her low low cost and her ability. If I have a gripe about her is that her ability gives the opponent a choice.

Unassuming Yojimbo - Expensive but covert is a very nasty ability in the game right now. I'm not the biggest fan of that cost of 3 since it competes with other characters and events. Despite that, there's no reason not to run her till we get more conflict characters.

Forged Edict - This card makes me just hate the fact that many of the courtiers in the clan have glory great than 0. Counterspells are great when they are cheap so I expect this to show up in both Crane and Phoenix.

Court Mask - Follows some of the problems and benefits behind other attachments, although I'd rather run Kitsuki's Method or the Ornate Fan in a deck.

Soshi Illusionist - I do like the ability to remove status tokens and he has good stats for the cost. Another shugenja too! Phoenix and Crane will certainly hate on this guy.

Secret Cache - I do like this card quite a bit, despite it only be ok. Any impulse effect can be very useful for the clan and I even want to try to save it for potential, multiple uses in future turns. It does have some competition with Manicured Garden but there's always the Seeker of Air to help with that problem, if need be.

City of the Open Hand - It does what it needs to do for the clan rather well and feels better than several of the other ones. I would caution that while you can play dangerously with the dishonorable route, I'd recommend being cautious with it. Being dishonorable only means you need to be one honor lower than your opponent so don't lose the game because you want to bid high every turn.

Shoju - He's a great character but that 2 glory is more of a hindrance than a benefit.

The scorpion are in a rather precarious situation with a higher fate spread on it's events and uniques but they do have enough potential for several different deck direction, if given the right tools in upcoming dynasty packs. If they want to help the Scorpion, I'd like to see more 0 glory courtiers, cheaper events, cheaper conflict characters, air shugenja stuff, and a few shinobi-centric events.

Since we're talking about ninja, I'll add that I've been a Ninja Interior Decorator since 2001. Bonus points for those that know the reference, you oldies!

29 minutes ago, Mirith said:

To be fair, I did go to a ninja panel at a convention, and we saw no one. We assumed it was a good panel.

So, a life imitates art moment???

6 minutes ago, Kubernes said:

Way of the Scorpion - I don't know why there's a ninja on this since the ability doesn't seem to fit the image. Any who, it's a staple, action-speed dishonor effect and, while not as powerful as Way of the Crane, still helps the clan by downgrading characters with a positive glory.

I can answer this for you - what the Scorpion are doing is sending a Ninja to "not be seen" around the person it targets. The Ninja of the Scorpion Clan wear all black because that is the color of night* and all of their flipping and odd weapons are sure to allow them to get the job done without arousing suspicion. It is truly a gift to have a Scorpion pay you a visit.

*because all black is the best camouflage when attending a party at Kyuden Doji

Where is Way of the Scorpion?

Thank you! For some reason it doesn't appear for me.

17 minutes ago, Kubernes said:

Unassuming Yojimbo - Expensive but covert is a very nasty ability in the game right now. I'm not the biggest fan of that cost of 3 since it competes with other characters and events. Despite that, there's no reason not to run her till we get more conflict characters.

I think I would have preferred her to be a Dynasty character. I feel like the biggest strength of Conflict characters is that you don't play them until you need them. The Covert practically demands you play her in advance of a conflict...

She is very expensive for just being 3/1. I hope Scorp get a better conflict character to switch her out for (I'd honestly rather splash Crab and include Hiruma Ambusher in her place)

Edited by shosuko
17 minutes ago, Kubernes said:

Sinister Soshi - 1 cost shugenja that gives out a -2/-2 debuff. She can't enter into conflicts but her extremely low cost and ability should turn her into a workhorse for the clan. Spooky Sista.

Have we seen a full image of this card somewhere?

57 minutes ago, Bayushi Shunsuke said:

Have we seen a full image of this card somewhere?

Yeah, I second this, where on earth did that ability come from? I haven't seen that card yet.

No Scorpion Story?

Scorpion has always been my second favorite clan. Which has always been a very close second. Crane always had a slight lead because I loved the honorable duels.

Scorpion looks to be my favorite clan in the new game while Crane may end up being my least favorite. It pains me to say it but I absolutely despise how the dueling system for this game works and how we haven't seen anything that makes me think the Crane will be anything but weak in duels.

On the other hand, Scorpions trickery really comes through mechanically in the new system and they look like they will be a ton of fun to play.

11 minutes ago, TechnoGolem said:

No Scorpion Story?

If you click the link to download the Unicorn story, Curved Blades , I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Edit: If you desire fewer steps, check this out directly.

Edited by Horiuchi Kuma
Cleaned up URL links and added a fast link.
2 hours ago, shosuko said:

I think I would have preferred her to be a Dynasty character. I feel like the biggest strength of Conflict characters is that you don't play them until you need them. The Covert practically demands you play her in advance of a conflict...

She is very expensive for just being 3/1. I hope Scorp get a better conflict character to switch her out for (I'd honestly rather splash Crab and include Hiruma Ambusher in her place)

She does 'force' you to play her within a small window, usually that first conflict action window for the usual surprise factor. Otherwise, she's completely underwhelming as just a 3 or 1 body. The 3 cost makes me feel like she'll end up like Kazue and be phased out pretty early.

If she was a Dynasty slot, I think she might have trouble seeing play there too. Right now the Scorpion have so many options at that 2 cost.

She'll be nice in the 1x core set builds, so I have to add that.

2 hours ago, Bayushi Shunsuke said:

Have we seen a full image of this card somewhere?

I'm using the gamepedia text but I haven't seen a full picture of her yet.

I'll add that FFG updated it's suggested decks with Scorpion! They are splashing Lion <_<

Edited by Kubernes

I've now seen a full image of her card. (Not in person)
I suppose there's a handful of review copies in the wild now, so people are getting card text from there?

5 hours ago, shosuko said:

She is very expensive for just being 3/1. I hope Scorp get a better conflict character to switch her out for (I'd honestly rather splash Crab and include Hiruma Ambusher in her place)


I was looking over the available provinces. Manicured Gardens, Fertile Fields, Hidden Cache....even with the right Air Ring, picking just two of these provinces may be a hard choice. Thoughts on which ones might go best with Scorpion?

7 minutes ago, Shu2jack said:

I was looking over the available provinces. Manicured Gardens, Fertile Fields, Hidden Cache....even with the right Air Ring, picking just two of these provinces may be a hard choice. Thoughts on which ones might go best with Scorpion?

Personally, I would go for Fertile Fields and Secret Cache. Both give you a free draw, which seems important to Scorpion with their reliance on playing conflict cards.

21 minutes ago, Shu2jack said:

I was looking over the available provinces. Manicured Gardens, Fertile Fields, Hidden Cache....even with the right Air Ring, picking just two of these provinces may be a hard choice. Thoughts on which ones might go best with Scorpion?

Personally I would suggest Manicured Gardens over Fertile Fields if you take the Air role. You're already pulling a bunch of cards, but you actually need to PLAY them. Scorpion seems like they have a very fate hungry conflict deck.

Of course, I may just be saying this because a Phoenix suggested otherwise. It was probably written on a scroll somewhere...

To be fair, they're all great utility for Scorpion, and at this point I don't think there's really a "wrong" choice. Without actual gameplay, it's hard to say what will be most useful for you, and even that could change match to match.

1 hour ago, Shu2jack said:

I was looking over the available provinces. Manicured Gardens, Fertile Fields, Hidden Cache....even with the right Air Ring, picking just two of these provinces may be a hard choice. Thoughts on which ones might go best with Scorpion?

I think sharing the deck might be helpful. With Scorpion's cards, you have the option to focus on playing expensive events. If you decide to go that route, you might be forced to use City of Lies (I still think it's bad, but if your deck demands it..) so Manicured Gardens might help more. Personally, in the deck I built, I only used 3 Scorpion events (Forged Edict, I Can Swim and Way of the Scorpion) so I kinda focused on drawing cards more (Imperial Storehouse and Secret Cache).

Edited by Shosuro Teri