Mystic/Warrior source books

By Luahk, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG


I have been playing only a little while and am impressed with the scope of what is included but that only leads me to being more eager for that which is not!

I wondered what people are desiring from the two new source books to complete the series? What do you most want/look forward to seeing or do you have any ideas on what would be a good inclusion?

For me personally..


Juyo. This is the saber form we are lacking and as ffg takes place in the post order 66 era I can understand it's initial omission but having a powerful saber form that brought in conflict into play. The morality system is an intriguing aspect of the rpg and I'd be eager to see how they tied it to a saber form. Especially as I like to rp in other eras from legends and the like I'm desperate to have juyo for my sith Lord characters.


I'm more excited to see what we get in terms of signature abilities here. The mystic comes off like a tomb raiding count dooku to me so I've no real ideas as to what might be included but since my PC is a mystic I'm very eager to find out.

Is alchemy a Canon thing? If so I'd like to see that as a force ability in the mystic book.

I wouldn't mind seeing a specialization for Jar'Kai in either tree.

I could see the warrior book having a martial artist variant that focuses on using force with unarmed combat. Also a blaster tree. Lastly, juyo. But for Juyo including see it being a rearrangement of mostly existing talents from Marauder tree and Agressor