By Zzzman74, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play

I'm now recruiting players for the first ever Netrunner Webcam CACHE REFRESH League! It's a friendly but competitive league where you will play up to 10 webcam matches over a 16 week period against players from all over the USA and all over the world! Players can join at any time even if the league is underway. Simple scoring rewards players for playing matches, winning games and playing against new players. But, due to the flexibility of the league, you can play games when you want with anyone in the league. You play as much or as little as you like, on YOUR terms.

This first season will run from Monday September 4 through Sunday December 24, 2017. Semi finals and finals will occur over the two weeks after that. Prizes will be awarded to the top two players.

To register at any time during the season, email

Full Rules:

Netrunner Webcam League

Rule #1: HAVE FUN!

The league will use the CACHE REFRESH FORMAT and the most recent NAPD MOST WANTED LIST (currently v1.2). For the first season, legal cycles include Flashpoint and the entire Red Sands cycle PLUS any data packs from future cycles that are released while the season is in play. Card rotation may come into effect during the season, in which case a general notice will be posted when that happens.

Players may never play the same Corp or Runner ID more than twice during the season.

Players will have 16 weeks to play up to a maximum of 10 scored MATCHES. A match consists of two games played against a single opponent, where each player plays corp and runner once. Only fully completed matches will qualify for scoring.

Players are 100% responsible to coordinate and play their own matches during the season. There is a scoring reward for playing with as many different people as possible, but this is not mandatory.

All players must register with the TOURNAMENT ORGANIZER (TO)via email. Registration includes your GMAIL email address, name or nickname, location and time zone. Players will be sent a test message on google hangouts. Once the player responds to that message, he or she will be a confirmed player for the season in progress. New players may join at any time.

Players should use the League google hangouts thread to coordinate matches. Google hangouts is an easy way to play games also. But players may use any methods to play matches as long as they are played either live in person or via webcam. Digital forms of Netrunner such as will not qualify for scoring and will result in players being removed from the league.

The TO may remove players from the league at any time and for any reason. Players are considered guests of the TO and have no rights or claims to anything related to the League whatsoever. All players must be 18+ years old. All players are expected to play fairly, not cheat, and to behave with kindness toward one another. Violators of the rules will be banned, possibly without warning. I can't imagine having problems with anyone, but I have to write this just in case. I'm sure everything will be just fine. The goal is to have FUN.

Players score points in the following ways:

2 points for a win.

2 points for each player if it is the first match they've played together this season.

Each player earns 1 point per match played during the season up to a max of 10 games.

Players will score ZERO points for incomplete, unsubmitted or late scoring forms, or for forms that do not follow the league rules (e.g. Playing an ID twice).

Scores will be submitted using a simple digital form and must be submitted in one SINGLE form submission NO LATER than Sunday at 1159PM after the game was played. The form will ask simple questions like player names, game scores, and will require a mandatory deck list upload. It will only take a minute to complete the form. Incomplete, unsubmitted or submitted forms in violation of the league rules will not be scored and each player is 100% responsible for his or her own scoring submissions. If only the opposing player submits a score sheet, he or she will receive points but you will receive zero points for all scoring but it will count as one game played toward your maximum of 10 and you will be considered to have played one match against that player.

Using a computerized deck builder such as (or similar) will allow you to build and save decks online and have them checked for NAPD Most Wanted List, agenda point and influence point compliance. Additionally, you can easily cut and paste the deck lists into the scoring submission form.

The TO will post weekly standings every Monday or Tuesday via google hangouts.

Players should double check their updated weekly scores and confirm that the TO did not make a simple math error. Please send a private message to the TO if you have a concern or question.

The league will run for 16 weeks. At the end of the 16 weeks top-four playoffs will occur if 10+ players enrolled. If fewer than 10 players, finals will occur between the top 2 players. A season prize will be award to the top two players. For playoffs and finals, players must use decks played previously during the regular season.

Rules will be updated as needed. Players are responsible to be familiar with and in compliance with all rules.

Edited by Zzzman74