Besieging a city in RTL

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello guys

i have a doubt, a big one, if 2 or more lieutnants at the start of their turn are on a city can the overlord place more than 1 siege tokens on that city? or just 1 per week(example merrick and eliza are in tamalir at the start of the week so the overlord place 2 siege tokens on tamalir) is that possible?

Thanks all in advance

Lord Loren Soth said:

Hello guys

i have a doubt, a big one, if 2 or more lieutnants at the start of their turn are on a city can the overlord place more than 1 siege tokens on that city? or just 1 per week(example merrick and eliza are in tamalir at the start of the week so the overlord place 2 siege tokens on tamalir) is that possible?

Thanks all in advance

Just follow the steps in the turn sequence on pg 10...

1. Time passes.
2. Resolve seiges (roll for them, not add markers). You get one roll regardless of how many Lts are there (assuming at least 1).
3. OL Actions. Each Lt in turn can do one action which can be move or beseige. If beseiging the Lt may add one token (the city wall level defines the max tokens though).

So yes, the OL can place more than one token on a city in the same turn.

Corbon said:

Lord Loren Soth said:

Hello guys

i have a doubt, a big one, if 2 or more lieutnants at the start of their turn are on a city can the overlord place more than 1 siege tokens on that city? or just 1 per week(example merrick and eliza are in tamalir at the start of the week so the overlord place 2 siege tokens on tamalir) is that possible?

Thanks all in advance

Just follow the steps in the turn sequence on pg 10...

1. Time passes.
2. Resolve seiges (roll for them, not add markers). You get one roll regardless of how many Lts are there (assuming at least 1).
3. OL Actions. Each Lt in turn can do one action which can be move or beseige. If beseiging the Lt may add one token (the city wall level defines the max tokens though).

So yes, the OL can place more than one token on a city in the same turn.

so the overlord can wait to have enough lieutnant at his keep(say all 3 farrows) move them to tamalir and adding 3 siege tokens every turn, that's mean about 2 rounds after besieging before razing tamalir, that's make the game very umbalanced....

theorycraft ftl. did you try it?

Turric4n said:

theorycraft ftl. did you try it?

i always win as overlord by razing tamalir but i always did it wrong placing just 1 siege even if i had more than 1 Lt's at a city :|

Lord Loren Soth said:

so the overlord can wait to have enough lieutnant at his keep(say all 3 farrows) move them to tamalir and adding 3 siege tokens every turn, that's mean about 2 rounds after besieging before razing tamalir, that's make the game very umbalanced....

And the heroes can reach Tamalir in a single turn from anywhere on the map...

just a guess but.. do you have opponents? i mean they watch 7+ rounds while there are lieutenants hammering the walls?

Lord Loren Soth said:

Turric4n said:

theorycraft ftl. did you try it?

i always win as overlord by razing tamalir but i always did it wrong placing just 1 siege even if i had more than 1 Lt's at a city :|

Then your heroes need to play and/or plan better.

Most of our campaigns that have gone the distance have involved one roll to raze Tamalir, or one turn from a roll to raze Tamalir.
But if it fails, the heroes cakewalk the final battle as the OL has invested too many resources that his Avatar can't use.

Lord Loren Soth said:

i always win as overlord by razing tamalir but i always did it wrong placing just 1 siege even if i had more than 1 Lt's at a city :|

I suspect your hero players are far too afraid of the LTs for their own good. If they stood and fought I think they'd find they can kill or chase off one LT per turn easily, especially if this is happening at Copper. We won't even get in to why they continually allow you to bring your LTs to Tamalir each game. You'd think they'd figure that out and go on the offensive before you have time to hire and deploy all 3 Farrows. Remember, only one LT can fight at a time, they don't all show up on the outdoor encounter map just because they're all at Tamalir.

Yes, it's possible to besiege a city with more than one LT simultaneously. And to do so can lead sometimes to an awesome OL victory...

Besieging Tamalir with 3 (or even 4) LTs at the same time could be an intresting strategy in a RtL campaign, although it's very hard to carry out. In order to perrform this solution, the OL should keep far from the party his LTs most of the time (expecially during the copper phase), then, when the campaign turns to silver or, better, to gold (i.e. with 1 or 2 monsters types upgraded), the OL can finally start to move his LTs to Tamalir...all togheter! This could become an unforgettable showdown for the party, even if the heroes are well armed and filled up with many skills: yes, maybe they still can win, but this time their victory shouldn't be so easy as well as drinking a glass of water!

Of course, if the party starts to catch the LTs all the time, all over the Terrinoth land, this OL strategy sadly ends up...but exactly for this reason a Descent Campaign can be a funny experience, since you have to hide your plains: yes, as OL you have to learn the ancient "art of bluff "!
So try to imagine the Farrow family along with the Dragon Dar Hilzenord besieging ALL TOGHETER Tamalir in the silver or in the gold phase of the RtL campaign, while the heroes were thinking that the OL was performing the "Eternal Night" plot........ demonio.gif

Steve-O said:

Lord Loren Soth said:

i always win as overlord by razing tamalir but i always did it wrong placing just 1 siege even if i had more than 1 Lt's at a city :|

I suspect your hero players are far too afraid of the LTs for their own good. If they stood and fought I think they'd find they can kill or chase off one LT per turn easily, especially if this is happening at Copper. We won't even get in to why they continually allow you to bring your LTs to Tamalir each game. You'd think they'd figure that out and go on the offensive before you have time to hire and deploy all 3 Farrows. Remember, only one LT can fight at a time, they don't all show up on the outdoor encounter map just because they're all at Tamalir.

they think(especially our oldest player) that alric farrow is unbeatable even at copper, he keep whining that heroes never have enough power and weapons to kill alric so i always win

Lord Loren Soth said:

they think(especially our oldest player) that alric farrow is unbeatable even at copper, he keep whining that heroes never have enough power and weapons to kill alric so i always win

Seriously? We beat 3 Lts back to back in Copper one campaign, all stacked on Tamalir. Killed Alric and made the other two flee.

Lord Loren Soth said:

they think(especially our oldest player) that alric farrow is unbeatable even at copper, he keep whining that heroes never have enough power and weapons to kill alric so i always win

There you go then. It's not the game that's unbalanced, it's just that the heroes aren't trying as hard as they could. I'm sure as OL you're loathe to give the heroes a helping hand by pointing out that Alric isn't the god they think he is, but maybe you could suggest someone else play as the OL for a change (perhaps this friend who thinks the heroes aren't powerful enough would be willing to give "winning" a try.)

Let someone else take the mantle of OL and then you, as one of the heroes, can show them how it's done. Hopefully your friends are mature enough that whoever takes the OL title won't throw a hissy fit when you deconstruct what they perceive to be an invincible evil hero. But that's one way to show them they shouldn't give up without trying. Then maybe your games will be more even in terms of OL vs Hero victory.

Lord Loren Soth said:

they think(especially our oldest player) that alric farrow is unbeatable even at copper, he keep whining that heroes never have enough power and weapons to kill alric so i always win

Ha. Nice to see that someone's having the opposite problem that I was.

My first times as Overlord involved my lieutenants getting severely beaten with only one hero death. -Alric specificly was sent fleeing off the board almost immediately. This was only after one or two dungeons, too, so the heroes had pretty much only shop items plus one or two others. From my own experience, without treachery or good planning, lieutenants fall far too easily at early levels.

The Sorcerer King said:

Lord Loren Soth said:

they think(especially our oldest player) that alric farrow is unbeatable even at copper, he keep whining that heroes never have enough power and weapons to kill alric so i always win

Ha. Nice to see that someone's having the opposite problem that I was.

My first times as Overlord involved my lieutenants getting severely beaten with only one hero death. -Alric specificly was sent fleeing off the board almost immediately. This was only after one or two dungeons, too, so the heroes had pretty much only shop items plus one or two others. From my own experience, without treachery or good planning, lieutenants fall far too easily at early levels.

my friend keep whining and whining and keep saying the game is unbalanced and the overlord is too strong, now he's playing overlord and trying other methods like not besieging tamalir

anyway you don't know how much i hate him when he whine about the overlord being too strong and the game unbalanced ....

Weird. Why is he whining about the OL being too strong if he's playing the OL? You'd think he'd be happy then.

Honestly, the OL isn't *that* much stronger, even in early Copper, at least against experienced players, and that tends to be the nuance that beginners miss. The OL is a lot more "forgiving", meaning it's easier to play him and do well. The heroes, on the other hand, have to know how to really play to play well. If your hero players are experienced and know when to advance and when to retreat, they can hold their own fairly well and you find out that the game is "balanced" in the favor of the heroes.


he normally play as a player

and they dont like to retreat from a dungeon normally

they try and try hard and many times they dying a lot giving me plenty CT

anyway we are trying with this campaign some house rules like a 5th player, invulnerability potions and the difference in CT between heroes and Overlord as SoB tell us to do :)